6 Ways to Have a Personal Revival

Revival refers to a spiritual awakening. Throughout periods in our history (and some may argue even today), we are experiencing revival. We are seeing God at work in new and exciting ways. The story of Asbury University's revival can cause us to want to experience the same revival in them. But your church may not be ready for that. You can still experience your own personal revival. Here are six ways to have a personal revival:
1. Pray More
Luke 5:16 says, "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." Jesus made time to commune with his father. Because his ministry was so taxing and took up most of the daytime, Jesus often got up early to make his time in prayer a priority. In John 15:4, Jesus says, "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."
How can we know what the father is doing without asking him? If we're honest, we don't prioritize prayer as we should. We often spend most of our time talking to God, asking him to grant our requests. While speaking to God and presenting all requests to him without fear is essential, it is also important to listen for God and see what he is doing in the world around us. God placed us in the location and period for a reason. He has a specific plan and purpose for every one of our lives. As Scripture says, the Lord directs our steps, so he knows exactly where he wants us to go. But it is our choice whether we choose to follow him or not. When we make regular time to pray to God and really ask him what he wants for our lives, rather than telling him what we want with our lives, we will be able to abide in him and be able to accomplish his work on earth just as Jesus was able to do.
2. Study the Word
It is one thing to read the Bible. It is quite another to study the Bible. We all have our favorite Bible translation that we read most often. Have you ever tried reading from a different translation? Try reading from The Message, for example. Reading the Bible like a book rather than studying it verse-by-verse may allow you to see passages in a new way. Purchasing a commentary from a reliable source, such as a trusted Bible scholar, will also help you to know more about the Bible. Scripture memorization is imperative. But we must also know what those verses mean within the context of when they were written. It is important not to take verses out of context to fit our own agendas. Studying the cultural and historical context from where our favorite Bible verses come from will help us understand more of what the author meant when he was writing it. This will help us apply the Word in new and exciting ways because we will be able to apply it the way God intended it, not the way we want it to be.
3. Practice a New Discipline
Both prayer and Bible study are essential ingredients to everyone's spiritual growth. Consider stretching yourself and trying a discipline you've never tried before. If your health allows, try fasting once a week. We do not need to fast from food to participate in fasting. You can also fast from social media, TV, cell phone usage, excessive spending, etc. Have you ever tried staying up all night praying and asking God to speak to you? The Lord sometimes uses the night hours to speak to us in powerful ways. This is when we are the most relaxed, and our minds are not distracted by the daily tasks that need to be accomplished. Pray like the disciples were asked to do with Jesus when he was praying in the garden of Gethsemane. He asked him to pray and keep watch. Pray all night one night and see what the Lord says. You may be surprised we hear him more clearly at night than at any other time of the day.
There are also spiritual disciplines like silence, solitude, journaling, Scripture memorization, etc. By choosing a new discipline, you will see the world in new ways and be more in tune with the spirit. Because of this, it will spark a personal revival within your heart.
4. Listen for God's Voice
The listening prayer model is a tool to use not only during prayer but also to listen for God's voice. The Lord speaks to us in many ways: the Word of God, visions, dreams, pictures, words, people, and a "sense" or "gut feeling," among others. God may not speak to you in the same way each time. However, when you feel he is speaking, be diligent and obey what you hear. The more obedient you are to his call, the more he will speak to you. This will revitalize your prayer life like never before. The most special time in a Christian's life will be when they feel God is speaking to them. Both the prophet Joel and the book of Acts speak to this when it says, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams" (Acts 2:17). Ask God to use you to be the young man or the old man and allow God to instill his vision within you for your life.
To prepare your heart to listen for God's voice, the first question you must ask him is: "are there any sins that might be hindering me from hearing your voice today?" As you're still before the Lord, ask him to reveal any sins that might be prohibiting you from experiencing a vibrant life with Christ. If a negative thought pops into your mind, go with it. Don't censor it or bury it. This is one of the ways God speaks. When your mind is clear, and no other thoughts come to your head, ask him, "what do you have to say to me today? Is there someone with whom you'd like me to speak to?" Be still and listen for his voice again. You may receive a word come up, or you may not. It does not mean God doesn't love you if you do not receive a word. The main objective in this is not to use God for what he gives you, but merely just to be with him. God deserves our fellowship. Being still before God demonstrates you want a relationship with him. As you continue this discipline, he will speak to you more readily.
5. Journal Deeply
Once you receive words from the Lord, write them down. Write the date you received them. Just like a journal, it is exhilarating to look back, see all the ways God spoke, and see if any of those words came to pass. Some will come to pass; some will not. Words of prophecy are ones that sometimes come true very quickly and other times take many years. Sometimes we think we hear God, and other times we just hear our own will. God will sort all that out; you only need to be obedient and write down what you hear. Ask a trusted friend to test the word with them to see if there's any validity. Pray together and ask God to reveal whether that is from him or your own spirit. This not only helps you grow in your faith, but the people with whom you trust these words will also grow.
Furthermore, make journaling a regular practice. Write down your thoughts and feelings, even the ones that reveal your deepest fears, doubts, and emotions. God knows your thoughts anyway; writing them down makes you more aware of them.
6. Grieve Disappointments
We all have experienced disappointments in life. When life does not go as planned, but we endure hardship or suffering for the gospel, it will create disappointments within us that, if gone unchecked, can stir up anger and eventually resentment. Get a blank piece of paper and write down all the disappointments that come to your mind. There may be many, or there may be few. It doesn't matter how many there are. When you are done, take each one at a time and speak to God about them. Ask God if there's someone you need to forgive because of that disappointment. Disappointments often reveal unmet expectations and blocked goals. Ask the Lord what the goal or expectation was behind the disappointment. Ask the Lord for forgiveness if the expectation was selfishly motivated or went against God's will. If you still feel it was in God's will with that expectation, ask God to renew it and redeem it in a new way in your life. Life doesn't always go as we planned. But God can always use our lives—and our mistakes and failures—as opportunities for growth. Recognizing those disappointments is the first step in healing old wounds. You may be surprised to find you have areas in which you need to forgive God or others because of these disappointments.
You don't need to go to Asbury University to experience revival. Even if your church is not experiencing revival compared to other churches, it doesn't mean God is not at work. Ask the Lord for your own personal revival and follow the steps above. Because of your diligence, you may find God awakens old dreams, releases negative emotions, and transforms your thought life. At the very least, you will experience the freedom God intended for us.
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Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/jontyson
Originally published March 07, 2023.