Spiritual Life

What Does God Have to Say about Abortion and How Do We Love Well in It?

Updated Jun 16, 2023
What Does God Have to Say about Abortion and How Do We Love Well in It?

It was a day of joy for many people at the Roe v. Wade reversal last week, but a source of upset for many too. Abortion is a key social issue within our country. However, politics aside, as Christians, we need to look to see what God says in the Bible about abortion, about women who have them, and about how we represent Christ well in this heated debate.

What does God have to say about abortion and how do we love well in it?

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The US Supreme Court Building

The Facts from the Dobbs vs. Jackson Case

Before we dive into God’s view on abortion, it is important to understand what just happened in our country. In the case of Dobbs v. Jackson, the Supreme Court had to make a decision on whether or not Roe v. Wade was constitutional. They had to ask the questions, “Does the Constitution explicitly state a right to abortion?” and “Is it implicit and rooted in American history?” The supreme court is responsible for upholding the law and the Constitution of the United States. Their job is not to be emotional in decision making, but to observe the facts and make their best choice based on the evidence and how something lines up with our founding documents.

Something interesting to think about is that the Declaration of Independence states that America is to be a place where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are available to all. It is intriguing that the first word is life. This indicates that America is supposed to be a place that supports life. Although this has not always been done properly within the issues of racism towards both Native Americans and African Americans, this is the foundation of our nation. This means that we value human life. We are to acknowledge the significance of our neighbors, community members, people who are old, people who are young, people who are of all colors, people of all socioeconomic standings, and people who are not outside of the womb.

Some might argue that liberty would imply abortions. The World and Everything in It shares, “Justice Alito wrote this in response: ‘While individuals are certainly free to think and to say what they wish about [these things] … they are not always free to act in accordance with those thoughts. License to act on the basis of such beliefs may correspond to one of the many understandings of 'liberty,’ but it is certainly not 'ordered liberty.’ Ordered liberty sets limits and defines the boundary between competing interests.”

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pregnant woman with a sonogram

What Defines a Life?

At the very least, it is important to think logically of what defines someone as alive and dead?

I was recently in hospice at the bedside of my husband’s wonderful grandmother. She was in her last hours. As we sat there near her, we knew that soon her heart would stop beating and she would take her last breath. In hospitals, without assisting life support technology, when a patient’s heart stops beating the doctor checks for a pulse to see if there is life. If the heart has stopped beating, a person is pronounced dead.

If we scientifically believe that someone is alive because his heart is beating, then, at week five of a pregnancy (typically around when women discover that they are pregnant) a baby’s heart in the womb is already beating. This would mean that this person is alive.

Sometimes people might ask, “Where do you draw the line?” Let’s look at Scripture to find the answer.

Psalm 139:13-16 - “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

The Lord, our Creator, sees the unformed substance (think weeks 1-4 of pregnancy) and He knows all the days of our lives. He creates life and knits it in a mother’s womb. We have to be very careful not to attempt to “play God” with future children out of fear, hurt, or humiliation. We may not like His ways, but Christ can work out beautiful things from difficult and unwanted situations. God says that life starts at conception. He even has plans for lives before conception.

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Worried couple looking at a pregnancy test

What about Women Who Have Had an Abortion or Who Want to?

Research says, “1 in 4 women will have an abortion before the age of 45.” This means that many women have gone through with this and live with this decision every day. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross covered all sins of those who believe in Him. There is great forgiveness found in Him. None of us are to judge or put down women who have gone through abortions. Only God is the Judge. We do not have to agree or celebrate the decision that was made, but we are called to love well. People sin, people make mistakes. There is none righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10).

One time I heard an interview with Sanya Richards-Ross. She shared her testimony about being told she could not get pregnant as an Olympic athlete. Sanya found out that she was pregnant two weeks before the Beijing Olympics and she was worried. In her book Chasing Grace, she shares about aborting her baby the day before her flight to China. She says in the book, I made a decision that broke me, and one from which I would not immediately heal. Abortion would now forever be a part of my life. A scarlet letter I never thought Id wear.” Sadly, Sanya says that she does not know another track athlete who has not had an abortion.

These are real women, with real names and faces. They are people who too are made in the image of God. Sanya sheds light that many women feel pressured into this decision. They do not necessarily take joy in going through with it, but they feel trapped. She expresses the long term negative effects after having one and hopes that others can learn from her life that her baby would have been worth more than a gold medal.

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Close up of women holding hands in prayer

What Is the Church’s Role in This?

Lifeway Research shares that in 2015, “7 in 10 women who have had abortions identify as Christians.” They also say, “2 in 3 women who’ve had an abortion say church members judge single women who are pregnant (65%) and are more likely to gossip about a woman considering abortion than help her understand her options (64%).” This later reveals that 1 in 4 abortions said that the local church played a role in their decision.

We are the church need to step up and love well. We need to be creating a safe place for women to share in their hardships and decisions.

There is a group called “Silent No More Awareness Campaign.” Georgette Forney gave her testimony to Congress on February 12, 2020. She shared about her experience having had an abortion and now serving over 20 years helping women who have also made this decision. She said that abortions take place often due to fear or pressure. Georgette became pregnant at 16-years-old. She was afraid of people and what others would think of her, so when her friend suggested abortion, Georgette went to a clinic even though it felt wrong, but she told herself it was legal so it had to be ok. She did not even need parental consent to do so since she was a minor. Georgette told congress that it is a lie that abortion is similar to any other procedure. She says, “The reality is that abortion erodes our hearts.”

Resources for women who have had abortions:

Watch this powerful testimony of Mandy from Foundation for Life. She had an abortion, but discovered freedom and forgiveness through Christ.

Check out more information on Silent No More. The Campaign partners with more than 40 different abortion after-care programs helping women nationally and internationally.

Focus on the Family Post-Abortive Recovery

HeartBeat International

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woman looking sad and stressed

What about Instances of Rape?

People often ask the question, what about rape? An amazing and well-known pastor once shared in a service that he was a product of rape. Now hundreds and thousands of young people have heard the gospel because of his existence and faithfulness to share Jesus with the world.

Even if a woman would not want to keep a baby as a result of rape, this child can still have a purpose on this earth. In this horrible circumstance where one has been sinned against, it is easy to want to terminate that pregnancy, but as we look at the Lord and remember that He is sovereign and trustworthy and loves us, we can make the hard decisions to honor Him with whatever plan He has with that child, whether the woman chooses to raise the child or not.

- This child is God’s workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)

- People have many plans, but God’s ways stand (Proverbs 19:21)

- God works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28)

- Before He formed us, He knew us (Jeremiah 1:5)

- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will make your path straight (Proverbs 3:5-6)

What about High Risk?

If a girl or a woman has a health condition that could endanger her in pregnancy, this can be understandably scary and difficult. Going back to Scripture though, it is not something where “the good outweighs the bad.” It is important to entrust both lives to God. If we believe that He is the One who gives and takes life, it propels us to choose the hard path and walk in trust with Him. This does not mean it will be easy, but it is right.

Again, a girl or woman does not have to keep the baby after birth, but could still put the baby up for adoption. God values life. Plus, thankfully America has incredible technology to help women do really well in pregnancy and birth.

- God is in control of all lives (Deuteronomy 32:39)

- It is better to trust in God than people (Psalm 118:8)

- God is our strength and shield (Psalm 28:7)

- Do not be anxious about your life (Matthew 6:25)

Jesus came so that we would have eternal life. God creates and values human life from the womb to the tomb. We are called to love like Him and to help others to know His great love. We should stand up for unborn babies and we should also love and have mercy on women who have had abortions. Let’s love like Jesus and point our country to the One who heals.

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Photo credit: Unsplash/Anh Nguyen

Emma DanzeyEmma Danzey’s mission in life stems from Ephesians 3:20-21, to embrace the extraordinary. One of her greatest joys is to journey with the Lord in His Scriptures. She is wife to Drew and mom to Graham. Emma serves alongside her husband in ministry, she focuses most of her time in the home, but loves to provide articles on the Bible, life questions, and Christian lifestyle. Her article on Interracial Marriage was the number 1 on Crosswalk in 2021. Most recently, Emma released Treasures for Tots, (Scripture memory songs) and multiple books and devotionals for young children. During her ministry career, Emma has released Wildflower: Blooming Through Singleness, two worship EP albums, founded and led Polished Conference Ministries, and ran the Refined Magazine. You can view her articles on her blog at emmadanzey.wordpress.com and check out her Instagram @Emmadanzey.

Originally published July 15, 2022.

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Next: How to Love and Respect Those Who Believe Differently Than You Do