3 Things Every Mother-of-the-Bride Should Know

Watching your daughter walk down the aisle with her soon-to-be husband is an indescribable moment. You may wonder (as many moms have) how your heart can possibly be prepared. Change can be difficult, especially when it involves our children.
As Mother of the Bride, you’ll need plenty of room for feelings that come up, and plenty of grace for yourself during a potentially stressful time. You want it to go smoothly; you want her to feel beautiful – to have a day where her feet don’t touch the ground. You want to know the man she’s marrying will be the loving husband he’s called to be. And you’re probably aware that you just can’t control everything (as much as you may want to!)
Remember, your loving Father is right there with you in the midst of it all, and the more you lean into Him, the more you can soak up the joy of the moment. Here are three Scriptures to help keep you grounded:
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Jesus’ invitation -- “Come to Me” -- is always open, and in the face of change His presence is the place to begin. If you’re able, before life gets busy with all things wedding, carve out some time to sit with Him. Consider taking your Bible and journal to a beautiful outdoor spot or favorite coffee shop. Ask yourself some questions: How are you feeling right now? Is there any fear about this new step for your daughter? Do you have a sense of both sadness and joy? Lay your thoughts and feelings before the Lord. Remember that He holds it all and cares about every detail. When the big day comes, turn your heart toward Him often. Share the joy, the gratitude, and even the tears; it’ll keep you centered and make your memories of the day that much sweeter.
“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Wedding planning usually comes with a few challenging moments. Some “what ifs” may creep in. There may be tension between loved ones -- differences of opinion or confusion about who’s doing what and when and how. The big day comes and some detail isn’t exactly right. Don’t allow the enemy to steal the joy of this time. Sure, the circumstances may not be absolutely perfect, but you can always experience God’s peace in the midst of them.
If worries wake you up at night, keep a little notepad by your bed. Write down whatever is nagging you, assure yourself that you’ll revisit that list in the morning, and release it to God. “Casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
If you’re involved in preparations, ask your daughter to sit down with you and share her expectations. Having clear boundaries helps everyone breathe easier. If you’re able, share a time of prayer and lift up any concerns you have. It may be a much-needed connection between the two of you.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
There is one truth we can stand on when everything feels like it’s shifting around us: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” As you navigate the waters of this transition, let Christ be your solid ground. As you hold your daughter in your arms in those fleeting moments, remember there is Someone holding you, too. He’s the unchanging One – always there, working in the details, comforting your heart, laughing and crying with you. This One who led you through her growing-up years is not going anywhere. Let that soak in as you reflect on this life-changing event. It’s a new season, but He’s the same wonderful Savior. Here is a little prayer to help during this sweet, amazing, somewhat scary, yet beautiful moment in your (and your daughter’s) life.
Father, I surrender this bittersweet season to you. I know you have plans for my daughter, to give her a future and a hope. May I trust You to be with her every step.
Lord Jesus, you showed us with your life that there is a season for everything. May I embrace this transition, giving myself permission to feel whatever comes, knowing that you are my calm center.
Holy Spirit, I believe you are with us in every detail, and I trust you to be present, making this beautiful experience a sacred one for all of us.
This article originally appeared on DaySpring.com. Used with permission. For even more inspirational articles, shareable Ecards and hundreds of Christian tools and resources, check out DaySpring.com today!
Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock/digitalskillet
Publication date: June 22, 2017
Originally published June 22, 2017.