5 Encouragements for the Woman Struggling with Her Body
As women, one of the greatest struggles to overcome is with the person in the mirror. In just about any culture, society, or time period, women are held to a high standard, spoken or unspoken. When judged by the world's standards, it is impossible to meet the expectations of everyone. Opinions are so subjective, yet it is different when we view things from God's lens. When we put on the lens of truth, we can encourage women for who they are inside and out.
1. Lens of God
We know from John 14:6 that the Lord is truth, and therefore what He deems something is the factual and most accurate hard-bottom line of reality. When we ask God for His Spirit of Truth through the Holy Spirit, it is then that we can have access to begin to see through the lens of actual reality, the ability to see what God sees. We can encourage women who are struggling with their body image by encouraging them to ask God for His lens of truth. Worldly standards may call gray hair a sign of a has-been or a woman past her prime in life, but God says something different. Proverbs 16:31 shares a different perspective and one of truth about gray hair, "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." Many of the things women struggle with in their bodies come from their perspective on said issues. When we invite God to shed His Light of truth on subjects, the glory and splendor of truth are then revealed, and perhaps it may change our perspectives on other things as well.
2. Heart Issue
When it comes to women struggling with self-image, it is often not limited to the weight on the scale or the wrinkles on the face but rather a heart issue at hand. 1 Samuel 16:7 shares, "For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." For women struggling with the exterior, it is also often a sign of an interior struggle. Perhaps she is not feeling valued, or she feels overlooked and forgotten. For other women, they may be struggling with imposter syndrome or have given way to fear in their life. The outward is often easier to target because it is tangible and can be seen, but it is actually an inward issue. We can encourage women in such a way by helping them get to the root of the issue within, expose it to the Light of Truth through God, and break agreements with lies. The Enemy will snake into a woman's head lies of insufficiency, but he does not have the final word or say. Consider how many women battling eating disorders are not actually battling the problem of control for weight's sake, but instead the lie the Enemy has continually whispered eating away at her. But it can be broken, and Light can be shed on the issue. Perhaps encouraging the heart is what is needed more than anything for a woman struggling with her body.
3. Temple of the Lord
We can also encourage women to remember just who they are, a temple of the Lord Almighty. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds us, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price." Our bodies are living, breathing temples of the Light of the Lord and the Holy Spirit Who dwells within us; what a joy! When we remember that we are Light bearers of God, it shifts our view of our bodies, doesn't it? They are not just flesh and blood and fat and wrinkles. They are beautiful vessels that can do great and mighty things for the Lord. Consider how your soul inhabits that body and how it carries you through life on this side of Heaven until you are called home. What a precious gift a body is to use and indwell in on this earth.
4. You Can Do Mighty Things
Bodies are able to do mighty and great things. Some women are called to carry children and consider the strength of their bodies in doing so. Her body carries a child for nine months and helps supply that baby with all the nutrients and necessities to help little cells form into a human being that can live and breathe on their own. Women often struggle after giving birth because their bodies have changed and are different, which is not to be discounted. Women sacrifice so much to help give another human life. Give your body kudos for all it gave to give another the greatest gift in life. What a miraculous feat! For other ladies, they are not called to bear children, but that does not make their bodies any less incredible. Women can do so many things in both strength and beauty, and their bodies are capable of impressive feats. Take that into consideration when you are picking out flaws in your body. If you look at the immensely vast things a body can do, it certainly outweighs the minor flaws you see in the mirror.
5. Consider the Wildflowers
Comparison truly is a thief of joy, especially regarding body image. Many women will find it easy and second nature to compare themselves to other women. Whether from shape, size, height, hair, or anything in between, comparison is a constant companion of women, but it does not have to be. Human beings are much like wildflowers in the field, each one uniquely different. You do not say that a daisy is fairer than a poppy because they are so very different though they are both flowers.
In the same way, human beings are much like wildflowers in that they come in so many different sizes, colors, and forms of beauty. One is not more beautiful than the other; each is beautiful in its own specific way. The beauty in the eye of the beholder rests additionally in that the beholder has a certain preference that is all their own; it does not have a certain set bar or standard on what is more lovely than the next. So, in the encouragement of one another when it comes to body image, let us remember that we are like wildflowers, beautiful in our specific ways, and all a part of nature.
Father God,
Please help us encourage one another in how we view our bodies. Lord, You have crafted us in our mother's wombs and given us a body to inhabit on this earth for a specific time and reason. We know that You do not make mistakes, and You have given us a uniquely chosen body for a reason. Help us see ourselves as You see us, and help us adorn and love the temples that hold Your Light to Your glory every day.
In Jesus' Name,
5 Scriptures for When You're Struggling with Body Image
Photo credit: © Unsplash/Jennifer Burk
Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com
Originally published January 11, 2023.