5 Reasons We Don't Have to Fear

Fear. One the enemy's most popular weapons used against us.
So much crazy going on around us today. Wars, ISIS, Ebola, conflicts, persecution, violence, crime, shootings, sickness, human trafficking, earthquakes, plane crashes, terrorism, economic disasters, unemployment, cancer, death. The list goes on…long.
Leaves us feeling anxious, overwhelmed, tense, with thoughts spinning out of control, all different directions. Probably a great reason why he uses this battle tactic, renders us completely ineffective, powerless and weak. It wastes our time, zaps our energy. His main goal is being accomplished through this one controlling device - to steal, kill, and destroy. Through fears that whirl around us, and some aimed like darts headed straight towards our lives, Satan attempts to effectively steal from our days, killing our hope, and destroying our sense of freedom in world. And he never fights fair.
We carry a lot on our shoulders every day, and constantly allow it to replay over and over in our minds. Taking it all in, through a steady media flow. Wired to electronic devices that never allow us to miss a single thing. Big burdens. Huge fears. Stuffed down deeply into the crevices of our hearts. Behind the smiles and the “I’m fine’s,” it all begins to seep and flow. If we’re not careful, it begins to invade our mind and thoughts. Anxieties swirl. Worries press hard. Uncertainties loom, reminding us of every possible “what if.”
Yet reality tells us that so much of what we spend time and energy fearing and worrying about in this life never even happens. Living under the weight of the "what if's" is a hard place to dwell.
Until we choose not to let it win anymore. And we say "enough.” No longer allowing it to wield such control. No longer listening to its deception and falling victim to its paralyzing grasp.
Choosing to live in a place of trust is powerful. Trusting he is able. Trusting he is in control. Trusting he is with us. It doesn't mean we will never "feel" fear. It just means we won't allow it to control us anymore. Such freedom can be found there.
Anxiety happens most when we somehow falsely believe that God is not big enough or fully able to take care of the problems that surround our world. Or that he won’t. And we buy into the lies that he doesn’t really care. Or maybe he’s just too busy to get it all done.
But no matter what we believe, the truth is this - he’s still there. With us. Present. Constantly. And he will never be found pacing heaven’s floors, nervously wringing his hands, wondering what in the world he’s going to do next. He’s never up there pondering how to get us all out of this big mess or struggling to find new solutions to age old problems. He’s on the throne. Fully in control. Always aware. And he fights for us.
Reminding us of his presence. And of the truth that says - in the end - he wins. He was, and is, and will forever be victorious. And though the enemy tries his best to gain as much ground as he can right now, knowing full well that his time is limited, he will never win this battle. Because his fate has already been sealed. Don’t let him fool you.
God has much to say about fear. His word equips us for the battle, sheds light on what’s true, and gives hope, that we are never alone.
Here's truth, from the book of Isaiah.
"Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10).
5 reasons God tells us not to fear:
1. He is with us. “Do not fear for I am with you…” Ever present, all the time. In the deepest struggles and the darkest of times, we sometimes wonder if we are all alone. God reminds us we are not. Ever.
2. He is our God. “Do not anxiously look about you for I am your God…” He is our God who leads and protects us, he is the One we can run to for refuge.
3. He gives us strength. “I will strengthen you…” He equips us for this battle, he empowers us by his Spirit, and give us strength.
4. He helps us. “Surely, I will help you…” He doesn’t leave us on our own to figure things out. He is there to help us. Always. Sometimes we feel ambushed by surprise difficulties or things thrown our way. We can easily feel overwhelmed with it all. He reminds us, he will fight for us.
5. He holds us up with his hand. “Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” He holds us in his hand. He covers us in his hand. He keeps us safe. The right hand is important because it's the hand that is relied upon in battle. It's the hand that is trusted. It's the hand that fights, the hand that holds the weapon, the hand that must be strong. That's where he holds us. In his righteous right hand. Strong. Safe. Secure.
Be assured, he is with you in whatever you face. In the turmoil and struggles, amidst the anxious thoughts and the worries of life. He is there, with you, strengthening, helping, and he holds you in his hands.
God is greater. Than whatever you face. Over whatever happens in this world around us. He gives us the power to live courageously, boldly, fearlessly in this life, when many things that surround us would tell us to be afraid. His truth whispers strong and sure to the deepest core of our spirits.
“Do not fear.”
Debbie McDaniel is a pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids and a few too many pets, dramatist and writer. She has a heart to communicate God's hope though the everyday moments of life - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the ones that take your breath away. A lover of every sunrise, forever needy of his grace, this Texas girl finds joy in the simple gift of each new day. Debbie invites you to join her at www.freshdayahead.com, and Facebook and Twitter.
Publication date: October 7, 2014
Originally published October 07, 2014.