Planning fun summer activities can be difficult for anyone, but for us introverts, it can be even harder. As an introvert, I don’t like to be in big crowds, and I don’t like spending too much time in social situations. Thus, commercial beaches, water parks, and carnivals aren't my definition of exciting. If you too are an introvert, check out these nine fun summer activities:
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/jacoblund
1. Gardening
1. Gardening
My top summer recommendation for introverts is gardening. My sister is a wonderful gardener; however, I am not, but what matters is that it is a fun, healthy way to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Through gardening, you get to plant flowers, vegetables, or any other plant, nurture them, and watch them grow. Gardening can also combat depression, and anxiety, and help you feel productive within your summer routine.
I suggest this activity for fellow introverts because you can do gardening alone in your backyard or on your back patio. You don’t have to be with tons of people nor do you have to expend yourself with social interactions. When you are gardening, it’s just you and God’s beautiful creation. A plus to gardening is that you get to witness all of your plants and crops grow. It is a beautiful process to watch as plants that you planted with your own hands bloom and come to life.
2. Going for Evening Walks
A second fun summer activity for introverts is to go on an evening walk. As an introvert, having quiet, personal walks are a lifeline. Walks are a great time to get out into nature, enjoy God’s creation, be alone, and have time to clear the mind. For me, walks help with my anxiety and depression. I recommend listening to your favorite music or your favorite podcast, but that’s up to you. You can walk and just listen to the birds singing and the wind rustling the trees if you want.
Evening walks are especially good to do in summer because, oftentimes, it is too hot to walk in the afternoon, and who wants to get all sweaty before noon? I know I don’t. Summer evening walks are great for us introverts because we can walk by ourselves and have time just to disconnect from the stresses of the world. I cannot tell you how much I recommend walks throughout your summer evenings. Perhaps adding this to your daily summer schedule will allow room for more prayer time, reflection, and freedom to unplug from technology.
3. Going to a Drive-In
3. Going to a Drive-In
Another summer activity for introverts is to visit a drive-in. Seeing a movie at a drive-in theater is a comfortable way for an introvert to spend an evening out because the only people you have to talk with are those you choose to bring along in your car. Unlike going into a cinema theater, you can just stay in your car and enjoy the show. Meanwhile, attending a drive-in movie can make us feel as if we are living in a different time era, providing a bit of nostalgia.
I highly recommend going to a drive-in rather than going to the regular cinema because you can more easily limit awkward social interactions and watch the film in peace. And, oftentimes, drive-in theater tickets are cheaper than standard cinema tickets.
*Disclaimer: not all cities have drive-ins, but it is worth researching to see if one is close to you.
4. Bike Riding
A fourth fun summer activity for the introvert is going on bike rides. I have been fond of bike riding for as long as I remember. There is something special about summer bike rides. The wind blowing through your hair, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the smell of summer all around in the air. It is quite calming and brings great happiness to my soul when I ride a bike.
For introverts, taking solo bike rides is a must for summertime. I recommend bike rides because you can ride a bike by yourself and just spend some time alone. Though many of us outgrow the childhood thrill of hopping on a bike, perhaps it's time to give bike riding another chance.
Remember, stay somewhere safe and don’t travel on any parkways or highways. Stay on a greenway trail or another like-minded trail in your city. In most cities, there are safe greenways or exclusive trails where you can ride your bike.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/jacoblund
5. Camping
5. Camping
A fifth fun summer activity for introverts is camping. I have never personally gone camping outdoors, but, as kiddos, we did camp out in tents in our living room. I know that’s not the same as standard outdoor camping, but it is what it is. Even though we only camped inside, it was fun to sleep in a tent, wear a headlamp, and make smores. It would be fun to go camping outside, though. In fact, it is on my summer to-do list!
Camping is perfect for introverts because camping separates you from the chaos of a bustling town or the demands of a routine. There is not much social interaction outside those who come along with you. I highly recommend that you not camp alone; perhaps you can choose one or two trusted friends to come along on the adventure. If you are going camping by yourself though, make sure you tell a trusted family member or friend where you are going and when you should be back in case of an emergency.
6. Stargazing
Another summer activity for the introvert is stargazing. Growing up, my family and I used to stargaze. At first, we didn’t have a fancy telescope, but as my sisters and I got older, my mom bought my dad a telescope for his birthday. Ironically, my dad never used the telescope, yet my sisters and I did. Looking through a telescope at the stars and the few planets you can see is awe-inspiring and captivating. It brings a unique peace and solace to the soul as nothing else can.
Stargazing is great for introverts because you can check out the galaxy at home alone. There is no social interaction required for stargazing. Even if you don’t have a telescope, you can still find a quiet place to admire the stars, or even look for shooting stars. In fact, there are apps today that notify you of when certain planets and special meteor showers will be viewable to the human eye.
There is something about stargazing that makes you become more aware of God’s creation and the beauty of it all. This summer, make sure you take time to look up at the sky and rest in the vast brilliance of God’s handiwork.
7. Reading
7. Reading
A seventh summer activity for introverts is reading. While this may sound like a basic idea to some, reading is a great activity to do in the summer as a healthy way to beat the extreme heat. Reading is also ideal for introverts because we can read alone. I have loved reading for a long time now, and I could not recommend reading more. If you need some reading suggestions, I recommend selecting a missionary biography/autobiography, an inspirational Christian book, or really any book written by C. S. Lewis.
Reading can teleport us into a different world and bring our imaginations back to life. For introverts like myself, reading allows you to develop friendships with the characters, and unlike friendships in real life, you don’t have to go to any social events or talk. For me, this is a major anxiety reliever. Reading is like going on an adventure if you find the right book, and you might even make some friends in the process.
If you want to step outside of your comfort zone a bit, consider starting a book club with two or three friends, letting everyone get together once a week over a cup of coffee to talk about the book.
8. Creating a Playlist and Dance Party
An undeniably fun summer activity for introverts is to create a playlist and then have a dance party in your own living room. I love making playlists with a variety of music. It is always fun to dance to your favorite songs. As introverts, it can be uncomfortable to go to summer festivals or concerts because there are so many people. I’ve always wanted to go to a summer music festival, but the thought makes me too paranoid and anxious. However, performing a mini concert in the comfort and safety of my home is just as fun.
Creating a playlist and dancing in your own home is perfect for introverts because you are by yourself and you won’t have to worry about what others think about you. All you have to do is have a fun time. Even if you don’t like dancing or dancing isn’t your thing, you can turn on your playlist and paint, draw, or do crafts. Everything is more fun when music is involved. Besides, music not only stimulates the brain to more easily absorb knowledge, but it is also a proven stress reliever.
Photo Credit: ©Ben White/Unsplash
9. Hosting a Movie Marathon
9. Hosting a Movie Marathon
The last fun summer activity I recommend for introverts is to have a movie marathon. Having a movie marathon can be done in the safety of your own living room, and the best part is there aren't any awkward social interactions like fighting others for a parking spot at the theater, fumbling through your order at the concession stand, etc. Going to a real cinema theater in person is full of social interactions, yet staying at home and watching a movie marathon is much more relaxing and enjoyable for us introverts.
Most of us have a favorite movie or series of films. Whatever is your favorite film, put it into your DVD player or VHS player and have a movie marathon. If you want to watch some different movies, I recommend Disney films, the Kendrick’s brother films, or other wholesome, family-friendly films. Movie marathons are also a great way to escape the summer heat and enjoy a nice cool afternoon inside with the air conditioning.
God made each of us with unique personality features (and even quirks). Most of us are either extra social or near-fearful of social interactions—neither is wrong or right. Nonetheless, don't estimate the importance of Christian community. No matter what your summer bucklist includes, find ways to stay in touch with and meet with fellow believers who will not only pray for you and hold you accountable but will also help create a fun but trustworthy social bubble for you to be part of.
Happy summer, everyone!
Vivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate:
Originally published June 12, 2023.