Spiritual Growth and Encouragement for Christian Women

What if Eve Said "No?" — A Women's Guide to Resisting Temptation

  • Rebekah Montgomery Editor, Right to the Heart of Women
  • Published Jul 19, 2007
What if Eve Said "No?" — A Women's Guide to Resisting Temptation

Chocolate cookies — I have a secret stash of them in a high cupboard. When I get frustrated, sad, or bugged, I hear their crispy little voices calling to me, “Rebekah, we are the answer you seek. Eat us.”

Yes, yes, I know. I know! Chocolate cookies are not the solution to anything but “broadening my horizons.” Still, I am tempted. I reach for them as if sinking my teeth in them will reveal the answer to my problems and make them vanish.

Amazingly, they sorta do — for a few minutes. I am crunching away, cookies melting in my mouth, and then I think of Eve. She rather spoils my appetite.

I have often thought that when Eve was slamming around the cupboards of Eden searching for answers to life’s puzzling questions, perhaps if she would have found an open bag of chocolate chips, the whole Bible might be different.

Perhaps. But not very much. If it hadn’t been Eve, it would have been me. Then Genesis 3:6 would read: “ When Rebekah saw that the chocolate cookies were good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate them.” (Eve shared with Adam, but I delude myself into thinking I’m sparing my husband by keeping the cookies all to myself.)

Or maybe Genesis 3:6 would feature you and your secret vice.

Am I saying that eating chocolate cookies is a sin? It is if I substitute cookies — or your own forbidden fruit — for the Bread of Heaven. We are tempted because we are led astray by our desires. Therein is the root of disobedience, rebellion, and loss.

Eve ate the fruit because it was pleasing to the eye and yummy. Many of Eve’s daughters have been on a diet ever since. Jesus said. “Man (nor a woman either) does not live on bread (or cookies) alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) And God’s Word does not produce cellulite.

Eve sought wisdom in a bite of fruit. And she learned the painful lesson that sin leads to death. Solomon sought wisdom from God and was rewarded with not just wisdom but peace and prosperity. (1 Kings)

Eve sought God-likeness in food. Instead, godliness comes from seeking His face. John says. “ When He appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as He is.” 1 John 3:2

Resisting the temptation to find life’s answers in food, drink, sex, shopping, or any other sensual pleasure requires soul-searching to find your substitute god and preparation to resist it.

I know some of my weaknesses. I know that when Satan hisses “chocolate cookies,” I must be prepared to ask God to reveal my true need to me and turn to Him to fill it with His Word. I know God and His Word satisfies, teaches, makes one wise, comforts, encourages, gives life, and more.

And you? What will you say when the snake hisses your name?

© Rebekah Montgomery 2007

Rebekah Montgomery, author/speaker/teacher, is a gifted, dynamic communicator. She is the author of more than five books and has penned 1,100 articles. She shares tough real-life topics and biblical application in a simple easy to grasp manner. To book Rebekah for your next event visit www.rebekahmontgomery.com. Rebekah is also the editor of Right to the Heart of Women and a publisher at Jubilant Press.