
Do I Choose a Career Based on Money or Passion?

In any job or life decision, ask God what He desires for you in season. Life is wonderfully beautiful in that the only constants are God and...
Updated Jun 23, 2023
Do I Choose a Career Based on Money or Passion?

"Do what you love and love what you do" is the root of desire when it comes to careers, or is it really? In this life, we are faced with many daily decisions, both big and small, but one of the most significant decisions we each have to make when in the workforce is whether we should pursue a career based on money or passion. Can you have both, or must you choose one or the other?

How Do I Know My Passion?

Passion when it comes to work is not always something we know from a young age, though for many of us, there is something about that ripe age of five that we somehow find that niche dream or desire of what we will find passion in for the rest of our lives. I remember wanting to be a teacher at five years old, I even used to make small "tests" for my cousins who were a few years younger, and our playtime required them to fill out the tests I made with no words, only pictures. From the very time I could write, I also found great intrigue and solace in penning all my musings, questions, and curiosities on paper, and within had the desire to share such findings or stories with those around me. Twenty-five years later, both of those kindergarten dreams played out in my life as I am both a teacher and a writer. What was your dream at five years old? Do you find that fragments or whole pieces of those dreams abide in the passions and pursuits you still have within your heart and soul? That is where passion can be cultivated in a root, or perhaps your passion is something picked up along the way. For many people, passion is discovered like a treasure chest buried along your life's path, but once it is found, it can never be forgotten. Passions fuel creativity, excitement, joy of living, and so much more; more often than not, once you find one, you know it is an intricate part of what makes you unique. A passion, even in its more challenging times, will be the thing that gets you up out of bed in the morning and willing to burn the midnight oil, and it will be the thing you know you wouldn't fully be you without. The next question is can that passion provide what is necessary to sustain the rest of life?

Can I Work for Money and Pursue a Passion for Hobby?

There is a belief that work ought to be what you do for money, and passion is what you do for pleasure or a hobby. Life requires money in order to keep going, and with that necessity, many times, a sacrifice must be made to surrender what you would prefer to do for what you must do. In order to survive. For many, that means giving up the desire to work full-time, pursue a passion, and put in the work for a 9-5 job just to bring money in consistently. The answer to the right path is different for everyone, but you must also be willing to ask yourself how much your time, joy, and life are really worth.

Should I "Make it Work" in a Job I Hate?

One woman comforting another who is upset.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images / Wasan Tita

No job is perfect all the time, and even in a job where you are actively pursuing a passion, there will be times when you question if it is worth continuing, but there is a severe difference between such times and a truly unhealthy job. The primary action to take during this time is to pray before God to ask Him for direction, discernment, and what you are to do in the situation. It is important to recognize that although money is necessary to survive, it is not worth your mental health or safety. If you truly feel a work environment is toxic or harmful to your mental state, ask the Lord for the next steps to take to help improve your current circumstances or to find an alternative job elsewhere so that you do not make sacrifices that are overall hurtful to you as a person. Remember that you are worthy. Remember that God will not lead you astray or in a direction where He is not, so stay rooted and grounded in Him to know what the best is for you in season. He may have a lesson for you to learn, a person for you to come into contact with, or ask you to pivot, but know there is nothing wrong with asking Him if it is correct that you stay in a position that no longer feels beneficial to your overall state.

What Does God Want?

In any job or life decision, ask God what He desires for you in season. Life is wonderfully beautiful in that the only constants are God and change, but we must actively ask God His Will for our lives. God may ask you to boldly trust Him in a new venture, perhaps one that by the world's standards seems incredibly risky but remember that God very rarely works in ways that seem logical to the human mind. The Bible reminds us that those who obey God and walk in His ways see His provision, kindness, and protection. He may ask you to put aside desires in your heart as well for a time but know that nothing is wasted by God, and nothing goes unseen. God will not lead you in a direction where He is not right there with you, including jobs. Come before God today and ask Him His Will (Jeremiah 33:3) in your profession; it may just surprise you what He answers.

Is it Possible to Have Both?

diverse man and woman at work on touchpad screens

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Ivanko Brnjakovic

It is possible that you can have both passion and provision in your paycheck; it is not an option to count out. Sometimes, through work, we can realize our passion. When I began teaching in my twenties (this time not to my cousins!) I found that although I had taken a pay cut by leaving a job elsewhere, God had me covered. He had spoken to my heart to teach, and although I had less money, I was still covered and provided for in every need. He had Authored that season in my life and kept His Word that He promised in Luke 12:27-30, "Look how the wildflowers grow! They don't work hard to make their clothes. But I tell you Solomon with all his wealth[a] wasn't as well clothed as one of these flowers. God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. Won't he do even more for you? You have such little faith! Don't keep worrying about having something to eat or drink. Only people who don't know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father knows what you need."

What was also evident was the passion that came from working in the field He had for me. So perhaps both can be an option, but you will only know if you ask God and follow His path in obedience. Chase God and let Him show you how well He knows your passions and what you need for a paycheck.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/gorodenkoff

Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomedis available everywhere nowConnect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram 

Originally published June 14, 2023.