
Peace...At All Times and in Every Way?

How is it possible to have peace at all times and in every way? The apostle Paul gives us insight into this.
Updated Feb 11, 2014
Peace...At All Times and in Every Way?
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 “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16

How is it possible to have peace at all times and in every way?  The apostle Paul gives us insight into this when he introduces Christ with the wonderful name “the Lord of Peace.” 

What does that mean?

The Lord of Peace

“May the Lord of peace...” 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Jesus, the Lord of peace, has peace.  That’s why He says to His disciples, “My peace I give to you” (John 14:27).  He has peace in Himself and He’s able to give it to you.

Jesus, the Lord of peace, makes peace.  This is why He came into the world.  He came to make peace between God and us.  That’s why the angels said, “peace to men” when He was born.  He made this peace “through his blood shed on the cross (Colossians 1:20).

The Lord of peace also gives peace.  That’s the point here, “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace...”  Christ is the Lord of peace.  That means that He has command over it.  Peace goes where He sends it.

When Jesus was in a boat with the disciples one day, a storm blew up.  The Sea of Galilee was in turmoil.  Christ says “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:29, KJV), and as He speaks, Jesus imparts peace to the lake!

Paul says, this is what I am asking Christ to do for you!  May the Lord of peace… give you peace!  Christ is Lord over peace.  He commands it.  He gives it.  He sends it.  He says to peace: “Go, fill the heart of that person who came here in great turmoil.”

A marvelous prayer

“May the Lord of peace himself...” 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Notice, this is something Christ does Himself.  This is a direct ministry of Christ to your soul.  This peace can be yours—Christ died to secure it.  He lives to bring it.  This is a marvelous prayer, when you have many fears and you need to know how to face them. 

The worst thing you can do with your fears is to suppress them.  Fear is like a coiled spring.  The more you press it down, the more it will push back against you.  There is only one way to deal with your fears—bring them out in the open and face them. 

It doesn’t help to say, “Don’t worry, it may never happen.”  Don’t say that to yourself.  Don’t say that to others.  What if it does happen? What if I do have cancer?  What if I do lose my job?  What if I am left on my own?  What then? 

There will be times when you lie awake at night, worrying about these things, “What if the unthinkable happens?”  Here’s what you can do—ask Christ to give you His peace.

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 This LifeKey based on the message “The Peace and Presence of God,” by Pastor Colin S. Smith, on March 6, 2011, from the series “Staying the Course When You’re Tired of the Battle.”

Colin currently serves as Senior Pastor of the The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in Arlington Heights, Illinois. He is committed to preaching the Bible in a way that nourishes the soul by directing attention to Jesus Christ.
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Originally published February 11, 2014.