
5 Ways Homeschooling Can Enhance Your Children's Spiritual Growth

Published Jul 17, 2024
5 Ways Homeschooling Can Enhance Your Children's Spiritual Growth

Homeschooling is a lifestyle that offers so much flexibility to families with the privilege of educating their children in this way. Just yesterday, my son declared how happy he is that he can eat whenever he wants in a day as a homeschooled kid! He was truly worried about the hungry stomachs of the kids attending traditional schools.

The benefits of homeschooling go well beyond being able to eat and drink when you need to! It gives families the chance to craft a rhythm for life that can be catered to your family's specific needs. Lessons can be delivered while in PJs on the couch, at the library, or even in the car! What you learn as a family is totally up to the parents that have taken on the additional role as teacher. You are free to explore God's world with wonder and passion as a household.

This gracious freedom allows you to be fully present, intentional, and invested in your children's spiritual growth and formation. As homeschooling families, we are in this thing together with our kids. We walk through the good, bad, and ugly as a unit and learn how to grow together through it all. As our kids mature, this tight bond and emphasis on exploration and truth become so grounding as our kids prepare to launch into a wild world of confusion!

There is no guarantee that our kids will choose the way of the Lord, but homeschooling allows us to be obedient and faithful as we present our kids with every opportunity to see God's hand at work in the world around us. He can be found in Math, Latin, Literature, Logic, and everything in between. We just have to have open eyes to see his majesty at work in our world.

Here are some ways homeschooling can enhance your children's spiritual growth:

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Manuel Tauber-Romieri

1. We Can Embrace the Mission in Our Homeschool to "Know God and Make Him Known"

1. We Can Embrace the Mission in Our Homeschool to "Know God and Make Him Known"

When we see all of education as a chance to know God and make him known as Classical Conversations, a comprehensive homeschool program, then God becomes the center of all we do in our homes as homeschoolers. I've never felt more in awe of God's power as a Creator than when studying science! There are so many layers to God's perfection, abundance, and creativity when we study our world and the Heavens.

Of course every subject offers a new opportunity to talk about the story of God at work in his Creation, his nature, the character we are to strive to exhibit as his followers, and more. Skip counting shows God's order. Stories give us insight into God's endless creativity as expressed through his beloved creation of humanity. At every age, we are invited to see God's goodness and beauty all around us; all we have to do is accept that grand invitation. He will give us eyes and ears to see his abounding love all around us when we pause to look for it.

Photo credit: GettyImages/Halfpoint

2. Being Together Is a Chance to Grow in Character

Mother and sons in nature outside treasure hunt map hiking

Being a follower of Christ means we are to be people of godly character. Our lives should produce the fruits of the spirit. So much of that character formation happens in the context of safe relationships. Being a family that is together more than apart is a chance to dive deep into the hard work of being in a relationship.

I'm convinced that so many of us struggle with marriage, parenting, and more because we never had the chance to really be with our loved ones. Modern life is filled with busy completing tasks. We each have differing schedules, schools, sports, and lives. Most families don't have the chance to really know each other and know what it feels like to work through the natural conflict that comes with close relationships.

Homeschooling allows us to practice working through the endless conflict that seems to arise between siblings. As a parent it can be exhausting watching and helping our kids navigate their many big feelings when it comes to their brothers and sisters but really it's a wonderful safe space to work through what conflict, forgiveness, repentance, and love really requires of us. It's really hard work! I also love that older siblings get a chance to truly love on and be a part of the lives of their younger siblings. Homeschooling is a chance to care for each other, preparing them for future parenthood and instills a heart of service in our kids.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/supersizer

3. Homeschooling Gives Us the Gift of Time

Mom homeschooling teaching son science experiment homeschool craft

Time is the most valuable commodity we have in this life! Homeschooling gives our families time to spare. I can't get over how wonderful it is that we have time in our week to attend community Bible Study together because my kids are with me during the day. They have the chance to be a part of this amazing program. We have time to ask questions and look for the answers as they arise in the day. I have time to read aloud to my kids, pray with them, discuss what's on their hearts, observe their progress, friendships, and more.

Hectic and full days lead to tired minds and bodies. Margin allows us to live with more intentionality. We are best able to live God's way when we aren't in a constant state of stressful motion. Allowing our kids the chance to ease from one thing to another, to wake up late from time-to-time, and live less hurried allows them the chance to consider their actions. Our brains need margin to process our choices. Homeschool gives us a margin so we can know each other better, have a chance to know God better, and be more equipped to follow God's ways.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/AleksandarNakic

4. Homeschooling Makes Space for Service

Foster care family

Over the past four years our family has welcomed three babies and toddlers into our lives. Two are now a forever part of our family and one was able to return home to their family through the foster care system. Each of those placements entirely blew apart our lives. We are still adjusting as a family and we are several years into being a family of seven! Without the gift of homeschooling our family would not have the flexibility to love and serve these kids that needed families.

We haven't always gotten every lesson done over the past four years but my kids have been there every step of the way as we have prayed for, nurtured, loved, and played with these special gifts that have entered our home. It's our chance as a family to truly live out what it means to love God by loving others. I am forever grateful that my biological kids have had the chance to pour their hearts into becoming this special family that we now are. I know they have learned the most about who God is because they have been present on this journey of service and love our family has taken as foster parents.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Ridofranz

5. Homeschooling Makes Space for Worship

mother doing homeschool work with two children, homeschooling for widows widowers

Homeschooling allows us to tailor our weeks to include study, prayer, and worship as a family unit. Not everything in our home is extra spiritual but everyday is intentional in that it's designed to point us all towards Jesus. Alexa is on playing Brandon Lake, the day starts with a family devotion, and our discussions always include God as a part of the equation of the what and how that this world works.

I don't have to second guess what worldview we are using to approach life's tough questions because we are breaking apart our questions together with the Bible as our anchor and the Holy Spirit as our guide. I can now see as my kids grow up how the strong foundation that is being built at home is keeping them steady as many new ideas about how life should be lived are presented to them.

I know the road ahead is not going to be easy for them, but I can rest assured that they have been given the tools they need to navigate life's many challenges and questions. That's the best gift I could ever hope to give my kids, and homeschooling is just one way that we have been able to walk with them on this journey to equip them for this world.

Photo credit: Getty Images/Halfpoint

Amanda Idleman is a writer whose passion is to encourage others to live joyfully. She writes devotions for My Daily Bible Verse Devotional and Podcast, Crosswalk Couples Devotional, the Daily Devotional App, she has work published with Her View from Home, on the MOPS Blog, and is a regular contributor for She has most recently published a devotional, Comfort: A 30 Day Devotional Exploring God's Heart of Love for Mommas. You can find out more about Amanda on her Facebook Page or follow her on Instagram.

Originally published July 17, 2024.