
Top 10 Beautiful Christian Books for Kids to Spark Hope and Faith

Published Mar 15, 2024
Top 10 Beautiful Christian Books for Kids to Spark Hope and Faith

Even before our children could read, we read them bedtime tales and stories from the Bible. But what about Christian books for kids? Can they ignite the same hope and faith that our other stories do? Below we've compiled a list of our Top 10 picks.

This list is in no way comprehensive. So many wonderful books hit the market each year. But these books will certainly keep you turning pages with their beautiful messages full of hope.

Photo credit: © GettyImages/Yakobchuk Olena

I Will Not Be Afraid

I Will Not Be Afraid

No matter whether we're 5 or 50, we face fears all the time. But in "I Will Not Be Afraid," Michelle Medlock Adams invites us to embrace the peace that God gives us every day.

I Will Not Be Afraid

"I Will Not Be Afraid does not describe a God who whisks away all difficult, frightening, or bad things. Rather it portrays our all-powerful, loving God who is faithful to us because of Jesus' sacrifice and forgiveness."

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The Bible Explorer's Guide: 1,000 Amazing Facts and Photos

The Bible Explorer's Guide: 1,000 Amazing Facts and Photos

If there are anything kids love more in books, it's illustrations, pictures, items they can visualize. Well, in The Bible Explorer's Guide, Nancy Sanders compiles 1,000 Amazing Facts and Photos about holidays, stories, and people in the Bible.

The Bible Explorer's Guide: 1,000 Amazing Facts and Photos

"This was purchased for my Sunday School class, who love gathering information about everything! They've even repeated some of the facts back to me. Excellent purchase." -5-star Amazon Review

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Howie's Broken Hee-Haw

Howie's Broken Hee-Haw

Don't you love it when authors can make a Bible story come alive from a new perspective? How about the donkey who carried Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Howie's story follows this donkey as he attempts to perfect his broken "hee-haw." 

Howie's Broken Hee-Haw

This story teaches an amazing lesson for kids who feel like they aren't good enough or inferior. Howie's Broken Hee-Haw shows how God can use anyone and everyone for his glorious purpose.

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BibleForce Devotional: The First Heroes Devotional

BibleForce Devotional: The First Heroes Devotional

So many kids from a young age are into comics and graphic novels. After all, the pictures bring the story alive. But what if the Bible could be told in a comic book form that would entertain young readers of all types? Tama Fortner's "BibleForce Devotional" seeks to do so. This devotional will bring to life the stories of 100 individuals in the Bible.

BibleForce Devotional: The First Heroes Devotional

"This was recommended in my Moms Group and I’m so glad we bought it. We read a story every night after dinner - it’s great for all ages. My 6 yo begs for an extra story on most nights." -5-star Amazon review

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The Bubble Who Would Not Pop!

The Bubble Who Would Not Pop!

Told through gorgeous illustrations and prose, The Bubble Who Would Not Pop!, follows the story of a bubble that has been given a very important message. Although "Billy," the bubble, is encouraged to pop preemptively, he refuses to do so until he can deliver a message of peace to a child.

The Bubble Who Would Not Pop!

"What a precious book! The illustrations are stunning--so bright and colorful! And the story is inspiring. My kids were instantly rooting for loyal Billy Bubble, and did through the final page. This is a story worth adding to that home library!" -5-star Amazon Review

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The Very Best Story Ever Told: The Gospel with American Sign Language

The Very Best Story Ever Told: The Gospel with American Sign Language

The hearing-impaired community is often one of the least reached by Christians. So what a beautiful way to spread the word than a children's book that teaches them ASL pertaining to the Gospel.

The Very Best Story Ever Told: The Gospel with American Sign Language

"Each line of this story includes important words reinforced with American Sign Language to engage the whole child. As kids learn the signs and repeat the words, visual learning, auditory learning, and kinesthetic learning are fully engaged to equip them to retell the Gospel story again and again."

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The Quiet/Crazy Easter Day

The Quiet/Crazy Easter Day

We often can think of Easter morning as a quiet time. But with all the animals braying and awaiting the resurrection of our Savior, it is actually quite a noisy affair. Jill Roman Lord is a master of rhythm and rhyme, and you'll absolutely love flipping through the beautiful illustrations in this book!

The Quiet/Crazy Easter Day

"Join the rejoicing as we follow along with the Easter story and learn how we too can shout and sing and spread the news that Jesus is alive."

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Birds of the Air: Seeing the Hidden Value that God Sees

Birds of the Air: Seeing the Hidden Value that God Sees

During the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus in the form of a bird. The birds in the trees, uncertain of who is it, try to compare themselves with one another to see who had earned the honor. But the unexpected and weakest of all, the dove, surprises them, showing that God can use the most unexpected of people for his purpose.

Birds of the Air: Seeing the Hidden Value that God Sees

"In a world that focuses on performance and comparisons, this is a much-needed message for children (and adults)! It's a lovely story of how God often chooses those whom others overlook." -5-star Amazon Review

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God Made All Your Feelings

God Made All Your Feelings

We don't often think about how God made our feelings. Jesus experienced anger, sadness, and all the emotions in between. This book helps to guide children through their emotions and to see the Creator's hand at play in all of them.

God Made All Your Feelings

"The book affirms young children with the message that all our emotions help us grow and that no matter how we are feeling, God loves us."

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The Christmas Quest

The Christmas Quest

The Christmas Quest follows the wise men on their journey to seeing baby Jesus. "True to the historical realities of the time period, there are bandits, beasts, and bugs to brave, scorching sandstorms to weather, and an evil king to encounter." But the journey is all worth it as they discover the most precious treasure of all, Jesus.

The Christmas Quest

"Quick and fast paced book which teaches children a Bible story of the the wise men who are searching Jesus Christ the King of the Jews. The story has been retold so our young children can read and understand about Christmas and the quest of the wise men. Certainly a book for the young and old to read together before Christmas." -5-star Amazon Review

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Hope Bolinger is an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, book editor for hire, and the author of almost 30 books. More than 1500 of her works have been featured in various publications. Check out her books at for clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Check out her editing profile at to find out about hiring her for your next book project.

Originally published March 18, 2024.


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