
Mission Trip Anyone? (Part II)

Published Oct 20, 2000
Mission Trip Anyone? (Part II)
Youth with a Mission was one of the first organizations to send young people on short-term missions without having specific college training. YWAM is now a worldwide organization that provides all sorts of training opportunities, including Discipleship Training Schools (usually about six months in length), the School of the Bible (a one-year training program similar to a Bible Institute in Tyler, Texas), and the University of the Nations (offering a full-time college degree program). They also provide short-term mission opportunities all over the world. Check out the options at

Teen World Outreach is another short-term mission organization that works for young people. It provides mission training and experience all over the world. Find information at

Operation Mobilization is another international mission organization that attracts young people from all over the world. They have a number of mission focuses, so there are innumerable opportunities for teen-agers and home school families to participate, including Muslim ministries, ministries in Europe and India, teen street ministries, short-term outreaches, ships and mercy ministries. Lots of information can be found at

Of course, we haven't done justice to the number of organizations that sponsor this sort of activity. Do an Internet search on "short-term missions" to find a multitude of options.

There are some good Web sites for teens to check out in deciding to look into Christian mission organizations for short-term mission trips.

One site that contains a list of a number of links to short-term opportunities is Organizations like Adventure in Missions, Asian Minorities Outreach, the Center for Student Missions, Destination Summit, Fuel International, Group Source Travel, Jesus People USA, Mission Discover, Pioneers, Project Teamwork, Students International, Teen Mania, Youth Mission International, Teens in Missionary Service (TIMS), 30-Hour Famine, and Youth With A Mission (YWAM) are listed with links to their sites.

Different families will find different areas of interest. You might relate to one particular idea for a mission trip over another. There's a lot there, so have fun as you select a mission trip that fits your preferences, burden, and other specifics. Interface with as many of the organizations as you can. E-mail the contacts and share your interest. You will be surprised at the response. These organizations are always willing to communicate with believers and share their stories. You will find that most of them, if not all, have a deep, burning desire to know and share Jesus Christ with anyone who will listen!

If you are concerned about sending your teen out "into the world" on her own, we understand. That's why we go too! Most short-term missions opportunities will be eager for chaperoning help. Be adventurous and go with God!

Your biggest obstacle will probably be coming up with the funds for the trip, if you are a typical home school family. The prices are not low for some opportunities. But raising the cash can turn out to be a spiritual adventure all it's own. We have mentioned that our mission teams have done car washes and garage sales to raise money; you might also do "auctions" to provide people in your church or community the chance to pay what they feel is appropriate for your team to work around their homes. Usually there are a few generous people who contribute more than the "going rate" to these kinds of events.

You can use's Directory to search for mission organizations. Click here to get started.

Originally published October 14, 2005.