11 Love Songs Perfect for Your Next Date Night

Whether you’ve been with your spouse for quite a few years or you just met someone special, sometimes all you want to do is find a way to embrace the romantic side of dating and music is a great way to set the mood.
It’s amazing how music can help to create the moods in our lives. From romantic dinner music to rousing tunes at the movies, the sounds we hear impact the way we feel and influence our experience.
God created music with several specific—and positive—purposes in mind. Yes, this includes setting the mood for you and the apple of your eye. Otherwise we wouldn’t have songs like Can You Feel The Love Tonight by Elton John.
Here are 11 love songs to play during your next date night to help set the mood or perhaps express how you feel to the one you adore. Each of these artists not only capture romance but also what God intended when he brings two hearts together. And just for fun, here is a link to the playlist on Spotify: Date Night Songs.
1. Your Love Is Mine - I AM THEY
Who doesn’t love I AM THEY? This song is upbeat and a great reminder of seeing God as our Savior. The band burst onto the music scene in 2011 and went through several transitions. But at the heart of their music is deep, deep love.
One band member, Brandon says, “Your words create your world. What we speak and what we proclaim and pray for and expect, ultimately will be brought to fruition. In times when there’s not a light at the end of the tunnel, we need to believe God is going to bring us through it.”
It’s the same when we are on a date with the love of our lives, we want to enjoy our time with each other and bring to fruition a good, deep, passionate, Godly love.
2. She’s with Me - High Valley
We all feel a little broken and battleworn and sometimes a woman’s smile or touch puts the wind back in our man’s sails. Start the date off with a fun beat by High Valley - She’s With Me. It has a pop-country feel infused with compelling faith based lyrics, along with the band’s signature bluegrass sound and this one happens to be my favorite!
This song was released in 2015 and reminds your man how amazing and crazy it is that you are with him. This Candian native band grew up singing in front of their church and they know people need to hear songs filled with faith, love, and hope.
It’s almost like these men decided to write a song to pay tribute to their wives with lyrics like:
When my dreams are running out of road
And the world around me's turning cold
Anyone else would up and leave
But she's, yeah she's with me
3. Known - Tauren Wells
The lyrics and music video are just incredible. This song needs no introduction. Tauren Wells knows just how to compose lyrics that express the heart. This song finds Tauren talking about how God truly and fully loves him, despite knowing all his flaws and isn’t this what our hearts ultimately long for in a spouse too? Grab your date, push play, and pull them close.
4. Meant To Be - JJ Heller
JJ manages to craft an inspirational song about the mundane, everyday moments of marriage like sitting on the couch to watch T.V. or making coffee together in the mornings. She reminds us that when God made each of us, he already knew who we were going to date and marry. She reminds us how love will bend but never break.
When God made you
He already knew
That we were meant to be
With love as deep
As the big blue sea
We were meant to be
You and me
You and me
We were meant to be
Feet on the dashboard
Wind in my hair
As long as you're beside me
I'll go anywhere
5. Going Together - Dan Bremnes
“I don’t know where we’re going but we’re going together,” through the unknowns, through the ups and downs, through moving around the globe and to become parents. Dan reminds us that life and relationships are what you make it. He reminds us not to look into the future and fret over all the unknowns but to be in the present.
6. You and Me - Lifehouse
This song is a staple for dates and everyday marriage moments with your spouse. It has also been the backdrop for proposals and has been played at weddings since hitting both Christian and secular charts beginning in 2005! In fact, Lifehouse frontman Jason Wade used the song as the theme for his own love story. He knew right away once it was finished being written, he was going to propose to his girlfriend with it.
7. Caught Me By Surprise - Jessa Anderson
One moment, we’re living life and the next, you lock eyes with the one and suddenly life isn’t so ordinary anymore. Jessa’s song is perfect for date night because she reminds us what life was like before we met our significant other.
The song describes how love comes in and awakens our coloress life to vibrant hues because of the one you fell for.
8. Kings and Queens - Mat Kearney
This song and music video will capture and move your heart. It is beautiful choreography of a couple and what it means to be in love. The song was written by Mat along with Judah Akers of Judah & the Lion and was sparked out of Mat’s realization about happiness.
He realized happiness has nothing to do with success and money but more to do with who you are with.
The best lyrics are the chorus:
We don't need no bankroll to make us feel alive
We don't need no Benzo, to feel like we can ride
Richer than Solomon with you by my side
We'll be kings and queens in our own mind
We don't need no jet plane to feel like we can fly
We don't need no gold chain just to watch it shine
24 karat lives, we don't got the time
We'll be kings and queens in our own mind
9. Thank God I Got Her - Jonny Diaz
Jonny Diaz captures all the things that confuse him about his wife like having nine pillows on the bed, having a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear or having towels that can’t be used, But even though he doesn’t understand her, he thanks God he’s got her. This song helps us see how we are perfectly imperfect and yet we are adored through the lens of our husband/boyfriend. We’re reminded we are the missing piece in his life just like Creation wasn’t complete until God formed us.
10. This Is Love - For King & Country
For KING & COUNTRY’s stirring beats and uplifting lyrics have made a huge impact on contemporary Christian pop, and here they turn their talents towards love and romance. They created a song that doesn’t shrink back from the realities of every relationship where love blossoming will encounter challenges.
Despite the hard times mixed in with the good, they remind us, “This is love.”
For better or for worse, for richer or poorer and all that comes in between. We would do well to remember that bad will be mixed in the good but together, as a united front and God on your side, no one will take away the love you two have for each other.
11. Love Is Not a Fight - Warren Barfield
With the right person, love is a house that we enter into where life and love thrive. It’s a beautiful rendition of commitment, honor, love, and sacrifice. It’s likely to bring tears to your eyes and bring the both of you closer as you become transparent in your feelings for each other and what God intends in a relationship!
Date night helps couples remember why they first fell in love, and it lays the foundation for reigniting passion.
Regular date nights also help to build resilience to carry your relationship during the challenging times. Focusing on each other and nurturing your relationship helps you build a strong foundation for your marriage. And sometimes the best way to do that is through the music. Don’t forget to head out to Spotify and tell Alexa to turn it up: Christian Date Night Songs.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes
Originally published August 16, 2021.