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Christian Relationships and Marriage Resources

Sharing an Unexpected Easter With Your Loved Ones

Sharing an Unexpected Easter With Your Loved Ones


Most people love to hear the word “surprise” or love to be surprised with a gift, a kind gesture, or tender word. In 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband, I share how most men love the word “surprise” because it means things have not become stale or routine. So astonish, astound, and amaze that husband of yours and plan a big surprise! Thrill, cheer, excite your children with an Easter surprise. Flabbergast your parents with a gift of gratefulness! Stun your relatives and actually send a persona written note or make a phone call on Easter weekend to wish them well or find out what’s new in their world and how you can pray for them.

Wow Assignment

To wow your man you need some information, so put on that thinking cap: What is his life-long dream? Where are those special places from his past? Where has he always hoped to go? What activity replenishes him most?

To wow a child, fill a basket with a mix of his or her favorite treats, some beloved practical items (swim suit, shorts, sandals) and some fun yet meaningful activities (Easter books, coloring pages, stuffed animals, like a lamb to represent Jesus as the Lamb of God).

To wow a relative, especially a mom, dad or grandparent, words expressing thankfulness for his or her sacrifice, how they have loved you like God loves, or how his or her life has shown God’s light to your life is just the welcome surprise he or she longs for. A bonus wow is if you pick up the check for Easter dinner!

Wow Wisdom

God loves to give surprises too. The Easter story includes the surprise delivered by angels who proclaimed Jesus’ resurrection:

“On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them…the men said to them, “He is not here; he has risen!” (Luke 24:1-6).

When you think about it, the core of Easter is the precious and welcome surprise of Romans 5:8: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. “ Christ’s resurrection is the proof to the promise of His great love.

Wow Plan

Create a plan to wow your loved ones. If married, the most important part of the romantic surprise is the invitation. Here are a few ideas from some of my friends that really wowed their husbands:

  • “I sprinkled red silk hearts all over his desk and office. There was also a note on his desk indicating my intentions for the evening.”
  • “On our fifteenth wedding anniversary, I told my hubby I wanted to eat at a special restaurant. During dessert, I excused myself to go to the powder room. The maître d’ then came over to my husband and said, “The lady left this card for you.” Inside was a key to a hotel room where I was waiting.
  • “I tied a key to our favorite mountain cabin on the string of a Mylar balloon and tucked it into his briefcase. When he opened his case in the middle of a business meeting, he was surprised with the good news of a relaxing getaway. “

For your children, wow them with an Easter Egg hunt—but add meaning and significance by going to your local Christian bookstore or and pick up a dozen plastic eggs that also tell the resurrection story. Add in more eggs and hide special treats, coins, or coupons for special one on one mommy and me or daddy and me memory making adventures.

For relatives, give the gift of words of affirmation. Speak life and love into the heart of the people you love with a card, a call, or a special Easter weekend visit. Make it creative by placing messages in a series of Easter cards or eggs placed along their path the week or the day of Easter. Tuck a note of kind words in his or her Bible, pocketbook, billfold, a bouquet of spring flowers or on a plate of his or her favorite food.

Pray, ask God to show you how to wow and surprise all those you love and value this Easter. And if the surprise requires a little sacrifice on your part, listen for the “applause from heaven” because you are loving the way God loves.

For more ways to connect love with God’s wisdom go to Pam and Bill Farrel are international speakers, relationship experts and authors of over 38 books including Pam’s 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband and The Secret Language of Successful Couples.

Publication date: April 7, 2014