10 Scriptures of Hope for the Single Mom

When I was a mother raising children alone, I possessed one certain Bible. I wrote notes in the margins beside verses that pertained to my circumstances, asking God to apply that truth to my need. My Bible was my diary (much like the little pink one with a lock on it that I hid under my pillow when I was eight years old).
Then when I married Rich 25 years ago, I purchased another Bible, one accompanied with fresh-smelling neon markers.
For some reason, I picked up my single-mom Bible the other day, the dusty one tucked away on my office bookcase. I glanced through its pages, and it warmed my heart to read the highlighted Scriptures that had helped me through daily bumps in the road. As I was viewing my comments beside select verses, I felt a butterfly flitter in my stomach, and it dawned on me… God’s Word is living because its author is living.
YES, it is timeless! Those words STILL touched the sensitive places in my soul. Addresses change, children grow up, life moves on, but God’s Word always soothes our fragmented places. His Word, regardless of season or age, cannot deny its projected purposes: to ease, to chaperone, to invest, to showcase the Father’s care.
So what’s your greatest concern today? Worry about a child? Financial lack? Sadness over a family situation you can’t fix? Shhhhh, tell the noise in your soul to be still. The verses in my treasured single-mom Bible want to jump off the pages and pacify your tender spots. God speaks. God comforts. God beckons.
“Single mom, lean on me with your entire weight. It transforms anguish into respite and peace.” (Isaiah 26:3)
“Single mom, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13)
“Single mom, you grapple with unsettledness; turn to me. I satisfy cravings in scorched places.” (Isaiah 58:11)
“Single mom, review my promise. I began a virtuous work in you and even now I am perfecting and making good use out of your complications.” (Philippians 1:6)
“Single mom, do not feel frazzled. I will keep your life together.” (Psalm 4:8)
“Single mom, you think you will never get over this, but I rebuild the heartbroken and dress their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3)
“Single mom, do not worry. I shall supply all that you need that I might accomplish my plan for you.” (Philippians 4:19)
“Single mom, take heart. You are ready for anything through my risen power that is infused in you.” (Philippians 4:13)
“Single mom, you feel it’s out of my reach, but nothing is impossible with me.” (Matthew 19:26)
“Single mom, do not lose heart. Though your outer self is wasting away, your inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for you an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as you look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
It was true when I was a single mom, and it is true today: The Word of God is His very essence poured out on paper so that we might engage in a divine encounter any time of day.
Pam Kanaly, selected as National Mother of Achievement – 2015 - in Washington, DC, and best-selling author of The Single Mom and Her Rollercoaster Emotions, remains one of the nation’s leading advocates for single mothers. She is the co-founder of the national organization Arise Ministries bringing encouragement to single mothers worldwide through their online education center: EQUIP. Pam is a favorite in Oklahoma having been nominated by the Governor for Oklahoma Mother of Achievement – 2015. Pam and her husband Rich reside in Edmond, Oklahoma. ariseministries.net
Originally published April 25, 2024.