10 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School
It feels like yesterday that the kids were just getting out of school for the summer. You’ve probably had a great summer filled with friends, fun, food, swimming, and maybe even a little traveling. But once again, you are staring back to school in the face and dreading “all the things” that need to get done before then. But take a deep breath as we look at some things to think about as you’re getting organized for back to school:
1. School Supplies and Clothes
As soon as you get the list of supplies your child needs, it’s time to start shopping. In the meantime, you can take stock of things they already have and what condition they are in. Do they need a new backpack? Can they use last year’s markers or do they need new ones? What condition is their lunchbox in? Go through their clothes and see what fits and what doesn’t. Don’t forget to account for underwear and socks too. This way, you will know what they need ahead of time. Take some time to go over what you already have to save time and money later.
2. Lunch Organization
Packing lunches in the morning can be an immense burden on parents when there are so many other things to do. It’s time to think about how you’re going to pack lunch this year. Will you lay out everyone’s boxes and add non-perishable items at night and then pack sandwiches in the morning? How will you keep track of what lunch items you have on hand? Can your older kids help you with packing lunches? There are all kinds of scenarios that can make this easier. Also, don’t forget your and your spouse’s lunch too, if you take them.
3. Homework Help
Homework has changed a lot since you were in school. If your child has a problem, how are you going to get the help you need? Will you hire someone to help with homework? Use a website resource? Also, you need to decide how your family will use A.I. or not. Take some time to think about how you are going to get help with your child’s homework to ease hours of stress.
4. Their Study Space
Do they need a new desk, lamp, or bookshelf? Could their room use a fresh coat of paint, a new bedding set, or new curtains? Do they need extra school supplies for their desk at home? Are there any reference books they may need?
5. Electronics
Do their electronics need a refresh? No, I’m not saying go out and buy the latest, greatest thing. However, if their computer, tablet, or printer is having issues or their phone is so old it’s getting glitchy, it may be time for some new tech. They need to have reliable resources to get their work done just like we do.
6. Winter Supplies
This is also the time to take stock for the winter. Go through your kids' things and make sure their coats are in good shape and that they have gloves or mittens (if you live where it gets really cold). Look through your medicine cabinet. The last thing you need is a sick kid and expired medication in the house. Go through and check the expiration dates on your over-the-counter medications and pitch what’s expired. Then replace what you can. You don’t have to replace everything, but you should have the basics on hand like Pepto Bismol, diarrhea meds, cold and flu meds, etc. You should also make sure you have plenty of tissues on hand too.
7. Gameplan for Schedules
Sit down with your spouse and talk about your schedules. Who is going to take the kids to school on what days? Who is going to pick them up on what days? Could they carpool with a friend’s parents if you or one of your kids is sick? How are they going to get to their extra-curricular activities? Also, how are you and your spouse going to stay in touch if a meeting runs late or you are stuck in traffic? Who will you call to pick them up if they get sick? These are all good things to figure out before the school year starts.
8. Morning Routine
How is everyone going to get organized in the morning? Will your kids make sure they have everything in their backpacks and shoes by the door the night before? Will they set out their outfits? How will you get ready and organized for the next day?
9. Car Clean-Up
Kids plus cars equals a massive mess. Now is the time to get your car organized. Start by wiping the inside surfaces down with disinfectant wipes and then vacuuming the seats, under the seats, and in the consoles. If you can afford to hire someone to detail the inside, go for it. Second, take your car for a wash before the bad weather hits. Next, buy one or two trunk organizers and add things like car essentials (windshield washer fluid, coolant, an ice scraper, bottles of oil, etc), snacks and bottled water, one extra change of clothes for everyone, diapers and wipes for the little ones, sunscreen, a first aid kit, tissues, a blanket, phone/car charger, etc. If you live in a snowy area, you may also want to add a broom to brush snow off the car, a shovel, and 1-2 bags of cat litter.
10. Breakfasts
Think about how breakfast is going to go in the morning. Will you set the table the night before and set out things like cereal or bread? Will you make an overnight breakfast like crockpot oatmeal, overnight oats (in the refrigerator), or a casserole that you can pop in the oven early and bake? Or will you do a mix of breakfast at home and drive-thru during the week? Do you want to set your coffeemaker to brew at a certain time in the morning, or do you want to brew it yourself?
Back to school can be a fun yet stressful time. The kids are excited to go back with new clothes and supplies and to see all their friends. They eagerly anticipate learning new things, making new friends, and getting involved in new activities.
Adults are glad the kids are going back to school, but they have the pressure to get the entire family re-acclimated to schedules and possibly a new routine. By taking stock of what you need now, talking with your spouse about schedules, coming up with contingency plans when the kids are sick, and figuring out how you’re going to get organized, you are gearing up for your best school year yet. You will walk out the door each morning organized, confident, and ready to take on your day, no matter where it leads.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash
Originally published July 31, 2024.