
A Poem and Prayer for the First Day of School

We are so thankful that You are a Father that sees, hears, and meets the needs of Your beloved children. As the blissful summer days come to a...
Updated Sep 05, 2023
A Poem and Prayer for the First Day of School

‘Twas the Night Before School

‘Twas the night before school, and all through the house,

The children were a bit nervous, the littlest one as quiet as a mouse.

The pencil boxes were set, and supplies laid out neatly with care,

In the hopes that the teachers would be nice, understanding, and fair.

As Mom reassured them and tucked them into bed,

Her prayers were for them to succeed and have nothing to dread.

As each little darling drifted off to sleep,

The weary mom trudged down the hall, trying not to weep.

Then she thought to herself, how has another year slipped by?

And before she knew it, she began to cry.

The decisions were prayed over, the choices we made,

Yet, she questioned everything, not feeling so brave.

When what to her wondering eye should appear,

But a Bible verse that said, “Fear not, I am here.”

It was right there before her, in Isaiah 41:10,

God showed up and brought comfort, just as He always did.

And during that night, as those sweet children fell into a deep sleep,

God showered them in His love and placed cherished memories for them to keep.

He knew their past, present, and future and was in the midst of it all.

And to make things even better, He would pick them up if they so happened to fall.

So, when that dear mom and dad laid their head on their pillow that night,

they gave each other an understanding nod, knowing it would all be alright.

Then they, too, drifted off to sleep and felt a peace from within,

Knowing this school year would be all up to HIM!

Gearing Back Up

Maybe you, too, find yourself taken over with emotion as the beginning of school draws near. Perhaps you are questioning how another year has gone by so quickly, and concerns grow in your heart. Or maybe, like me, you have a bit of a hesitancy to push forward. The lazy days of summer now usher in busy school days filled with homework, sporting events, and endless tasks and to-do lists, leaving little wiggle room for anything else. Long gone are those magical summer nights when you and your sweet family could snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie, go star gazing, chill on the back porch, or dip in the pool after dinner.

Now, you may find yourself preparing your body for that 6 am alarm clock Monday – Friday, jumping out of bed ready to go, seizing the day as if it were a school day. Or if you are like me, finding that it startles you awake just enough for you to cover your head with a pillow, dozing back off, because why should you get up if school hasn’t started yet, right? Then some are just soaking in every minute like my teens, hanging on to these last few summertime hours with a death grip, staying up late binge-watching shows on Netflix and then sleeping in, no alarm clock needed – at least not yet!

The truth is, whether you are a go-getter, putting-it-offer (a.k.a. procrastinator), or somewhere in between, getting back into the swing of things isn’t always easy. But, while I will miss those sweet and simple summer days, I am also looking forward to a school routine. Most of all, I am ready for a bit of peace and quiet, so I can write without all the distractions in my currently very loud and rambunctious house. Because, in all honesty, trying to focus on writing with a seven-year-old constantly asking, “So, what are we gonna do today?” or watching my teens pull out of the driveway waving goodbye only to run inside and track them on Life 360, leaves little margin to get into the right frame of mind if you know what I mean.

So, this week as we prepare our minds, bodies, and hearts to return to school, maybe we can sit with our children and discuss how they feel about the return of school. Take time to listen to them as they share their goals, challenges, concerns, and what they want to accomplish this school year—then pause to reflect on what we may desire for ourselves, our children, and family as a whole.

Oh, friend, if the thought of the school year is bringing on a wave of anxiety and stress, and you are not ready to gear up for this, take a deep breath and try to let go of the expectations. Realize that the first day of school may not go according to plan. It will most likely come with some rough edges and a few bumps, but through it all, we can rest assured that God is with our children, and He is with each of us. Let’s harness our thoughts and get in the right frame of mind by laying all our burdens at His feet. Will you pray with me over our children as they enter a new school year?

A Prayer for the First Day of School

Gracious God,

We are so thankful that You are a Father that sees, hears, and meets the needs of Your beloved children. As the blissful summer days come to a close and we come into another school year, we invite You to be ever-present and walk alongside our children. Please keep them safe and in Your loving care by removing excess stress and anxiety that generally come with the first day of school and replacing it with excitement, anticipation, and an eagerness to learn and grow.

Father, please open our children’s hearts and minds, giving them wisdom and discernment to make good choices that honor You and help them ultimately remember who they are (1 Peter 2:9). Guard them from the pressures of fitting in where they were born to stand out. Help them seek You in challenging times and turn to prayer and supplication for peace, grace, and guidance. Give them the courage to speak out against injustice, yet walk humbly and share love without reservation (Micah 6:8).

Lord, You made us for community and connection; we know just how invaluable relationships are in their lives. Please provide our children with safe and healthy friendships and others so they can gently open up conversations about You. Grant them a good rapport with their teachers and other influences that will help them grow this year. Give them a respectful demeanor that will be displayed in their words and actions. And when relationships get strained or tested, help them seek counsel with trusted individuals that will lead them back to what Your Word says.

As our children find their way in this world, we know that they will fail and mess up; they will wander off, test boundaries, and may even venture away from their faith. Lord, please allow us to react with dignity and remain patient. Soften our hearts to reach out with quick forgiveness while disciplining in love. Above all else, help us to be the parents that You are calling us to be.

We trust You and thank You for another school year to watch our children grow and mature in so many beautiful ways. Let this first day, school, and the rest of this year be a way for us to connect more deeply as a family and grow closer to You.

We ask all this in your Holy Name.


So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Drazen Zigic

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

Originally published August 14, 2023.