20 Ideas for Family Fun

1. Family Movie Marathon at Home
There is something so special about a family night in! Get in your comfy jammies, pop some popcorn, grab some snacks, snuggle up, and watch a movie—or two—together.
2. Family Board Game Night
Our family lives for game nights! The kids love getting to pick their favorite game. It’s always an evening filled with laughs, competition, and fun. And no matter how old your kids get, this is a tradition they’ll never outgrow! I still love getting together with my brothers and sisters for game nights.
3. Picnic in the Park, Backyard, or Living Room
Why are picnics so much fun? Pack a bag with snacks or lunch, grab a blanket, and head out for a special time. You can go to the local park, beach, or even your backyard. Regardless of the destination, your family will have a great time. We even do picnics in the living room when the weather is icky! Those have been some of our favorites!
4. Nerf War
Grab a couple of nerf guns and go to war! Whether you play as teams or free for all, this is an activity your kids are sure to remember. It can get a little crazy, but that’s half the fun!
5. Family Nature Walk
Grab a little notebook and pencil. Take a slow walk around your neighborhood. Stop frequently to draw things that stand out to you. It might be plant life, insects or animals, cloud formations, or something else. Take time to notice and appreciate the world around you. Talk about the things you discover. Pay attention to all of your senses. You can also explore other places for a wider variety of nature walks.
6. Scenic Drive
Grab some snacks and head out for a new adventure! We love taking mini road trips to discover new places around our state. We enjoy the scenery or play road trip games, such as looking for license plates or playing I Spy. Or we turn up the music and sing!
The car is also a great place for discussions. Take this time to answer questions about faith, science, the world, your family history, or personal things like your hopes and fears. We also like to stop along the way to collect photos from various milestones!
7. Bake Together
One of my family’s favorite activities is baking! Kids of all ages love to bake delicious treats. You can take turns trying new recipes or stick to your favorites. Keep them for yourselves or share them with friends and neighbors.
8. Go Camping
Whether it’s just in the backyard or another destination, camping is always a fun time! Roast hotdogs, make s’mores, sing songs, and tell stories. You’ll create memories to last a lifetime.
9. Craft Day
Even if you don’t consider yourself a crafty person, the possibilities for activities are endless! You could create a weekly (or monthly) craft day and do something new each time. Or stick with something you all enjoy.
The internet is full of simple ideas you can do with just a few basic supplies. Or go crazy and see what you can create on your own with things from around the house. The big idea is that making things draws people together and sparks conversation.
10. Stargaze
If you can’t see the stars from where you live, travel somewhere nearby where you can. See if you can identify any constellations. Even if you can’t, just embrace the vastness of the universe.
This is an activity that always helps me put my problems into perspective. I love sharing with my kids about God and the stars because it helps them understand that no matter how big their problems seem at the moment, they are never too big for God.
“Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing. O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights? Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:26-31 NLT)
11. Make a Fort
This is a timeless classic. Grab some blankets or sheets and build a fort in your living room. We love to see how big we can get ours. Then we enjoy time together inside: We talk, read, or even eat a meal in it. Building is just half the fun!
12. Play Card Games
A simple deck of cards can provide hours of fun. Even better, this activity can grow with your kids. There are so many card games for a variety of ages: Go Fish, Slap Jack, Rummy, War, etc.
13. Make Paper Airplanes
A few sheets of paper are all you need for this activity! Fold them up and test them out! We love seeing whose airplane can fly the farthest or do the coolest tricks. When you make a plane you love, color and design it for extra panache.
14. Classic Game Time
Do you remember Hide-and-Seek? How about Tag, Ring Around the Rosy, Duck-Duck-Goose, Heads Up 7-Up? No matter how old your kids are, these are fun to pull out for any occasion—and they might transport you back to your own childhood.
15. Chalk Art
This is another fun and inexpensive family activity. Go crazy in your driveway and create your masterpiece. Be sure to snap photos of your creations to remember as the years go by. It’s fun to see how your kids’ art grows with them.
16. Karaoke Night
You don’t need a karaoke machine to have fun with this activity. YouTube is filled with songs posted alongside their lyrics. Grab a hairbrush and sing your heart out! You’ll get some great laughs and have a lot of fun - even if you can’t sing.
17. Play Dress Up
Whether you gather accessories ahead of time or set a timer and race to find elements, you’d be amazed at how much fun this game can be. Your kids will love getting to dress you up or go through your things to find crazy articles.
18. Talent Show
Plan a family talent show. Let everyone show off their talents while the rest of the family cheers them on. Invite some friends and grandparents for extra audience members!
19. Dance Party
Crank the music up and dance your hearts out in the living room! Show off your favorite moves or learn some new ones together.
20. Create Dream or Vision Boards
Use a poster board and create dream/vision boards. Cut out words and pictures to help you visualize your goals and motivate you throughout the year. You can make one as a family or do a board for each individual.
What would you add to this list? You can do so many fun things as a family that don’t require much time, money, or energy to plan. Even if you schedule just one a week or a month, you will build a treasure-trove of incredible memories.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/NataliaDeriabina
Originally published March 21, 2023.