Is it Biblical to Say 'It Takes a Village'?

“It takes a village to raise a child for sure.”
We’ve all heard this saying and maybe even used it ourselves, right? So, does it take a village to raise a child? The short answer - is yes. But maybe not in the way you think! When looking into this statement and doing some research, it actually comes from an African proverb where literally, everyone in the family/community would help raise a child in a safe and healthy environment. But sometimes, that isn’t what it means when we say it today.
I don’t drop my daughter off at a friend’s and say, here, watch her for a couple of weeks so I can go on a trip. Or depend on my parents to raise my child. God blessed my husband and me with her, and together we are raising His child. Whether we had anyone else or not, she is our responsibility!
The meaning I would associate with this question is that “it takes a village,” as in it takes lots of love shown to our children to help shape them into young, godly people who love the Lord and want to seek Him.
Can this be done on our own? Yes, it is our number one job as parents to instill in them godly things and teach our kids about God from a young age. It’s our responsibility as parents to surround them with people who will lift them up, encourage them, and speak life and scriptures over them.
But also, as Christians, we are called to serve in the local church, meaning teachers and pastors will also surround our kids. It isn’t their job to disciple our children, it’s ours first and foremost, but they aid in what they should already be learning at home. We aren’t supposed to pawn our kids off to our church group, parents, or friends. We are the primary people responsible for raising them, but there is a major importance in who they are around and who is watering the seeds we have planted.
So what type of village should you surround your children with? To sum it up, people who will love them, encourage them, admonish them, help them grow, and teach them about Jesus. The Bible has so many different verses and is absolutely full of advice about wisdom. We must be WISE when choosing the village we want to surround our children with.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 NIV
The good news is that God gives us access to this wisdom through His Word and the Holy Spirit.
What should your “village” look like? Let’s take a look at some vital people and places that you should include in your children’s lives.
1. God
First and foremost, the village would be nothing without God. He is the only village we need, the only source we need when it comes to parenting our kids. In fact, He is all our kids need (not even us!), and that’s the whole point of what we are trying to show them.
He is also the one who gives us the ability to be able to seek out a village to surround ourselves and our children with. We just have to ask!
2. You (Parents or Guardians)
God graciously decides to give us these little blessings, and He also gives us a guide on how to parent in His Word. When we are in His Word daily, and relying on His strength, only then can we instill godly things in our children and show them why we are even here - to glorify God.
You and your spouse are first and foremost (after God) the most important people in your children’s lives, and the majority of their spiritual growth and learning stem from your parenting actions. As we mentioned earlier, it starts in the home. We don’t pawn our kids off to other “more godly” people. We learn from them and let our children learn from them, but ultimately you and your home are where it starts.
God knew what He was doing when He gave you your children, and you aren’t meant to do it alone, but with His help.
3. Family
Is your family helping them grow more in Christ? IF you have lost family, which most of us do, it’s so important to teach your kids at home so that you as a family unit can be a light to your list family.
For your family members who are saved, let them encourage and love on your children. Gain wisdom from them, and ask them to pray for your kids. That’s the most important thing you can do!
4. Church Family
Hebrews 10:25 reads, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
If you are a Christian, you are called to be a part of a body of believers in corporate worship! It is vital for your faith, your family’s faith, and that of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
This should be a vital part of your “village” in your children’s lives. Let those at church, their teachers, children’s minister, Pastor, etc., help shape what they are already being taught at home. These people are there to love and pray for your kids and encourage them in many ways. Being a part of a church family is so crucial for your children’s spiritual growth and can lead to some great friendships as well. This leads to our last point.
5. Friends
“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” This saying may be used quite a bit, but wow, it rings so true. We need to teach our children how important it is to surround themselves with friends who will encourage and uplift them and help them grow in the Lord. This is the time to do so because once they get older, it becomes more difficult.
And this doesn’t just include their friends, but our friends too. Who are we hanging out with as their parents? Are we making healthy, strong, godly friendships with those in our church and letting those people love on our children as well? And doing the same for theirs?
Now, I’m not saying not to hang out with unbelievers. How else would we spread the Gospel? The sick need a doctor, not the healthy, right (Matthew 9:12-13)? And we are definitely called to go where there are lost souls to share with them the Good News. But we don’t let those influence our children and teach them worldly things. Let your innermost circle, as in, the people who have the most influence in your lives, be people who love the Lord and love your family.
I pray that this helps you realize the importance of the “village” surrounding your children and why it matters! It truly does take a village to raise a child, and it’s a beautiful journey to be on.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Monkeybusinessimages
Originally published June 02, 2022.