Sometimes the responsibility of leading a family can be so heavy that it’s hard to focus on our godly direction. Who can focus on where God is leading their family when the kids need help with homework, the house isn’t ready for visitors, groceries are running low, and everyone is looking for snacks? Do you ever look up from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and think, “There’s gotta be more than this?”
If so, you’re right! God has much more in store for your family than keeping up with the demands of this world. Yes, many of those things are important, very important, but making sure our family is following His direction is the most meaningful thing we can do.
What does that look like, though? How do we discern God’s direction for our families when we can barely discern what’s for dinner? Here are four prayers for finding God’s path for your family.
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/fizkes
1. May We Love God
There are so many things to sort through when leading a family, it’s nearly impossible to find a solution for everything. Even when we don’t have it all figured out, though, we can trust that things work for our good when we love God.
Perhaps we don’t know which direction our family should be going, but we can pray God helps us to love Him the way He deserves to be loved. Romans 8:28 says, “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”
This passage shows that our basis for trusting things will work out is directly connected to our love for God. When we love Him, we seek to please Him with our lives, including in our parenting and how we lead our families. Sometimes following God’s direction looks like one act of obedience at a time. It may not be a revelatory dream or a supernatural vision that tells us where we need to go. It could just be raising a family that loves God and values the truths of His Word.
We can pray, “Lord, show us how to love you with our words, thoughts and actions. As we seek your direction, help us to stay fervent in our love for you."
2. May We Acknowledge God
Perhaps the most referenced passage for finding direction is Proverbs 3:5-6. It says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight.”
When we acknowledge God with all our ways, He directs us. I don’t believe this is some kind of formula where we acknowledge God just to get directions. On the contrary, when we make every effort to use every part of our lives as an opportunity to glorify God, our steps become more clear. Our priorities shift to what His priorities are, and somehow beautifully we find ourselves walking out His will and enjoying the process.
We can pray, “Lord, help us to be mindful of all the chances we have to acknowledge you. Let us surrender every aspect of our lives to you, so we can see your plan for us.”
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Aldomurillo
3. May We Stay Rooted
A huge part of knowing where we’re headed is knowing where we stand—what our values are and the principles by which we live. God’s Word has to be our go-to for uncovering these things. Otherwise, our values become self-made or culturally driven.
For those who have been Christians for a while, it goes without saying that the Bible should be our life's guide. Even when we don’t always carry it out, we know it’s the book that teaches us core truths. The thing is, though, our kids don’t know this until we teach them. If we don’t, we risk raising kids who are familiar with Christianity but aren’t really Christian at heart.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
God wants us to make His Word such a normal part of our lives that it’s hard for us to deviate from it. The verse says “repeat them to your children.” When we build up our families in God’s Word, we can trust that any direction we go will be grounded in truth.
We can pray, “God, give us hearts to know you and to teach our children about you. Help us make your Word a big deal in our home.”
4. May We Follow the Holy Spirit
When we read the Bible, we absolutely get a foundation for how we should live. However, what we don’t always get is guidance for very specific situations. “At what age should I let my teens date?” “How often should I expect my kids to read the Bible?” “What type of financial assistance should I give my adult children?”
There are many questions that we won’t find answered in a specific verse, but God gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us in the ins and outs of life. Through prayer and patience, God has a way of ordering our steps.
John 16:13 says, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. For he will not speak on his own, but he will speak whatever he hears. He will also declare to you what is to come.”
God gave us His Spirit to speak to us on His behalf. With the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to choose the right things even when it’s tough. When seeking direction for our families, we can often benefit from getting into a quiet place and letting the Holy Spirit lead us. This can feel like an unction or an ah-ha moment, but whatever it is, it will always line up with God’s Word and point us in the direction that aligns with His wisdom.
We can pray, “God, thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit. Please fill our hearts and homes with your Spirit and teach us to hear your voice.”
Leading a family is a huge role. Finding direction as an individual has its share of challenges. Accordingly, finding direction as a family can feel even more difficult, with so many different feelings, personalities, and gifts to consider. God is able, though. If our hearts’ desire is to raise a family that follows Him, He will surely give us the tools and insight to do so.
Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Jude Beck
Originally published October 04, 2021.