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30 Prayers for Your Baby

30 Prayers for Your Baby

Babies are a miraculous gift from God, and we are encouraged throughout Scripture to watch over them and keep them safe. Mostly we are to surrender them to the Lord for His perfect care. A prayer for your baby or a loved one’s baby blesses the baby and the baby’s family (and you too).  

Note: The pronouns are masculine only for convenience, and it’s easy to substitute “girl” or “she” in the appropriate places.

10 Prayers for the Baby's Health

1. Father God, I love you, and I love how You care for us. From the elderly to the newborn, You care for every one of us. This little one is new—weak and frail—and aren’t we all, Lord? But thank You, Almighty Father, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by You! I pray this little one will be kept in good health so he may serve You with zeal and joy. 

2. O Lord, You are our Healer. My baby is sick, and I don’t know how to pray. But in Your sovereignty, grace, and mercy, You know what this little body is enduring. I pray, Father, for Your healing hands on him and for You to heal his little body so he may grow up to serve You with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. I choose to trust You with His health.

3. My Lord and my God. My baby is sick with this nasty illness that’s going around. Will You kindly touch his little body and heal him? I confess I am weak and tired. I’m unsure how I can best help him except to hold him, love him, and follow the doctor’s orders. But You, Lord, are sovereign even over doctors and sickness. You created us, and You redeemed us. I pray, my blessed Lord, for You to show Your power and heal my little boy. May You get the glory.

4. Lord Jesus. Thank You that You came to earth and put on flesh. You understand our frailties. You understand all our troubles. My baby is sick, and he needs You to make him well. I know Your will is perfect, and so is Your timing. I pray it’s Your will to heal my baby boy. We are so desperate for You to do just that. But Lord, it’s hard to admit we fear, because You have told us not to. Please remove our fear as we cry out to You to take our baby boy’s sickness away. Your will be done, Lord.

5. God, I am afraid. Please take my fear and turn it into faith. My baby needs Your healing touch. I surrender him to You for Your glory and his good. Please heal him.

6. Jesus, my Lord. I ask You to make my baby well. You know he is sick, and You know he needs Your healing touch to be well again. That’s my simple prayer, Jesus, because I know You hear me and love me and love him.

7. Father, I come before You in need. My baby needs You. Please make him well again.

8. Lord, we are all Yours. I thank You that I am a child of God. I ask You in Jesus’ name to heal my baby. Help him to be well so he can giggle again at all my silly faces.

9. Father God, I pray for my baby’s continued health. You brought us through so much, and I confess I need peace. Thank You!

10. Lord, I surrender my baby to You. You are so kind to give him to us to raise in the fear and knowledge of You. Please keep him healthy so he may serve You all his days.

10 Prayers for the Baby's Protection

1. Father God, the world is a scary place. You know that. As we raise our baby, I ask You to protect him as he walks through this life as a stranger and an alien here. Prepare him for all You have for him.

2. My Lord and God, my baby and I are alone. As you protect me, I pray you protect him from anything evil that may seek to make him veer off the perfect course You have for him.

3. Lord Jesus, we stand at a crossroads. Please protect us and our baby. Protect him from wrong decisions as he grows and protect him from lying lips and evildoers.

4. God, we need You to protect us from anything that may harm our baby. Protect us from predators and from anyone who may try to get to him through us.

5. Lord God, as we travel, I pray You will protect us and our baby from harm. Set Your mighty angels in charge around us as we drive and fly to our destination.

6. Father, it’s a long night to bear as my husband works the third shift. I pray You will protect my baby and me from any harm.

7. Lord, this is the first time I will not have my baby with me. I love (the person watching him), but I am nervous about being away from him. Please watch over him and give me peace as You do.

8. You are a good God, and You are holy. I praise You as I ask for You to protect my baby as he gets his first immunization shots. Please protect him from any adverse reactions and let this shot do the intended work.

9. Jesus, protect my baby as he sleeps in his crib alone for the first time. I might have all the technology in the world at my fingertips, but You, mighty Lord, are sovereign over all. Thank You!

10. Lord, protect my baby from anything that might creep into his mind. Protect him from nightmares and bad images as he sleeps. And protect him from the devil’s ploys to keep him from You.

10 Prayers for the Baby's Faith

1. Lord God, I need faith to know You have the best plans for my baby. You are the One who directs our steps. As my faith grows, I ask You to grow my baby’s faith.

2. Father, as I look at this precious baby in his little crib, I pray You will give the kind of faith that, as Jesus said, moves mountains! Help him to be a man whose faith is righteous because of Jesus!

3. O Lord, my faith is strong in You. I pray for You to fill my baby with such faith as only You deserve! You have kept us from our greatest foe. I pray You will keep us forever in Your mighty hands as I believe You will.

4. Faithful Lord Jesus, thank You that we can trust You. My faith is in You to care for my baby. I pray his faith grows to be wholly in You.

5. Father, You are holy, and You are faithful. Even when we are faithless, You remain faithful. I faithfully place my baby in Your mighty hands, knowing You will use Him for Your purposes. 

6. Lord, will You make my baby joyful in faith? Will You stretch him to the limits You have ordained for him so he will be a faithful servant? I thank You for the faith You instill in me, knowing You are greater in him than he who is in the world.

7. Jesus, when my faith is weak, You show me a better way. You show me my faith is never in vain as I ask You to watch over my baby.

8. Father God, my faith in You sometimes wavers, yet You never fail. I thank You that the mother of this baby decided life is a gift from you. Please bless her and the baby with a strong testimony of faith.

9. God, as I look at this newborn baby through the glass in the NICU, I bow before You in complete faith. You hold us, and You hold this baby in Your grasp. I have faith that no matter what happens here, You have him!

10. Almighty Father, so this is what faith looks like! I was weak, and You held me up as I prayed for this baby. He is a miracle to behold. Please forgive my lack of faith, but in Your time and for Your purposes, You brought him into our lives. I am forever grateful!

I pray for all of these praises and petitions in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!

Further Reading: 

A Prayer for Baby

20 Powerful Prayers for Newborn Babies

Prayers for My Baby

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Kieferpix

Lisa Baker 1200x1200Lisa Loraine Baker is the multiple award-winning author of Someplace to be Somebody. She writes fiction and nonfiction. In addition to writing for the Salem Web Network, Lisa serves as a Word Weavers’ mentor and is part of a critique group. Lisa and her husband, Stephen, a pastor, live in a small Ohio village with their crazy cat, Lewis.