21 Reasons the World Needs Moms

Moms are one of the best blessings in our lives. The best part is they come in all forms. We have our natural moms, older friends who are like our moms, mother-in-laws who are like our second mom, and sometimes we have family members who are like another mom. No matter how they pour into our lives, the world needs all kinds of moms. Why? Because moms make the world go round. There are many reasons that the world needs moms.
1. She Gave You Life
The first and most important reason we need moms is because they give us life. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be here. This goes for biological moms, adoptive moms, and surrogates. Our biological moms give us life. Moms of adopted children give them new life from the life their biological parents couldn’t give them. Surrogates help couples bring life into the world when they can’t themselves because of health conditions and other issues.
2. Moms Are the Emotional Backbone of the Family
Moms are the ones that are the emotional backbone of the family. They always prioritize others, ensuring everyone is okay and being there to support their family members.
3. Making the Boo-Boos Better
As children, our moms always kissed our boo-boos to make them better.
4. Learning about Sacrifice
It’s amazing how much we can learn about sacrifice from our moms, considering all the things they have done for us. From working extra hours and extra jobs to putting the things we need before what they need.
5. She Teaches Us Forgiveness
Moms are outstanding models for teaching us forgiveness. They forgive us for mistakes and teach us how to forgive others by being role models.
6. She Supports Our Dreams
Where would we be without our moms to support our dreams? Their encouragement and support mean everything.
7. She Gives Us Boundaries
They are great at teaching us boundaries. All the things she forbade us to do when we were kids and teenagers only were to protect us in the long run. Even if it drove us nuts.
8. They Hear and See Everything
It’s true that moms have eyes in the back of their heads; they see and hear everything. Therefore, when you broke her favorite coffee cup and said it was your brother, she knew it was you.
9. Moms Teach Us to Be Functioning Adults
We learn a lot from our moms, including how to cook, clean, do laundry, and manage our finances, which helps us become functioning adults in society.
10. Moms Make Our Day
Our moms make us happy just by being around them. It’s always fun to hang out and talk or do something together, like going out for lunch, watching a movie, or shopping. Spending time with our moms lifts our spirits.
11. Moms Teach Us about Faith
Our moms are the first ones to teach us about God and what it means to have faith. They are also superb role models in this by reading their Bibles, praying, and taking us to church. They also pray for us and pray with us when we need it.
12. Moms Teach Us about Being Kind
Moms teach us to be kind to everyone, regardless if it’s our siblings, friends, or adults in authority over us. We also learn how to treat animals from them and to always be kind, no matter what.
13. Moms Take Care of Us When We’re Sick
Being sick is the worst, and it seems like no matter how old we are, our moms are always glad to help take care of us if we need it. Sometimes, we are just too sick to move. Other times, we may have to have a procedure done and need help to recover. I learned this when I had back surgery in 2008. My mom was there to help take care of me for the six months I was off. I don’t know what I would have done without her.
14. They Treat Our Friends as if They Are Their Own Children
Moms are great at treating our friends like they are their own children. This is because, as kids, our friends hung out at our homes often, and we spent a lot of time together. I love it when moms do this because not all kids have a wonderful mom, and I think it’s great for those who don’t to have a positive influence in their lives.
15. They Love Us Unconditionally
Our moms love us unconditionally and that is a beautiful thing. It’s nice to know that no matter what, our moms will always have our backs. This doesn’t mean that they won’t correct us from time to time or tell us what’s on their mind, but they still love us.
16. Moms Are Strong
Our moms are strong and have become that way from everything they have lived through in their lives. Because of this, they can teach us to be strong, too, and how to handle different situations that arise.
17. Moms Give Good Advice
Since our moms have had more life experiences than we have, they can give brilliant advice. Because of this, they can see how a situation may turn out and tell us what they would do if they were in the situation. From there, they let us make our own decisions and see what happens.
18. They Help Us Find the Silver Lining
Moms are great at finding silver linings. Even when we are struggling, they can always find a bright spot or something positive during it.
19. They Teach Us How to Love
Moms teach us how to love by how they treat other people, including their spouses, friends, and family members. We can learn a lot about how to love from our moms. On the flip side, we can also learn a lot about what love isn’t. Regardless of whether our moms have had good or poor relationships, we can learn a lot from each scenario, like how to make better choices and what to watch out for.
20. They Are Funny
I think everyone’s mom has a sense of humor to a degree. Some moms have a more dry sense of humor, like mine. While others have a more robust sense of humor. Either way, moms are great to have a good laugh with or share an inside joke. Sometimes, they say or do something hilarious.
21. Moms Keep Memories Alive
Moms are great at keeping everything from elementary artwork to honor roll report cards to old yearbooks. They keep photos of family gatherings, vacations, graduations, proms, and birthday parties. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in life and not remember the good times, but moms are always great at preserving the best and most important memories for us to look back on and reflect on.
All the moms in our lives are important in different ways. We all need the love and support of our moms throughout our lives. Take some time this Mother’s Day and think about the most important things your mom has done for you. Then let her know how much it meant to you. Don’t forget to thank the “other” moms in your life as well. Sometimes, it takes a village, and all our moms are the best.
Originally published April 09, 2024.