How to Teach Your Children to Hear God's Voice

As Christian parents, we have the ability to give our children an extravagant gift… a gift that will not undergo decay, will not break, or become outdated. This gift is the gift of knowing the voice of God.
As a single mother raising four very different children, I wanted to know what was the most important thing to give my children. Questions circled my mind continually: “How do I help them become better students?” “How do I teach my children to be servants?” “How do I help my children become confident, courageous adults?” “What about education, friendships, marriage, financial security?” How, Lord?
These questions had the ability to overwhelm me and cause me to sink into despair. In the midst of these struggles, God would gently take me by the hand and lead me back to truth… and in that truth I found rest and peace. He would continually remind me “seek Me first and all these things will be added,” and “train up your child to do the same.” Over and over, His word would break into the conflict of my mind.
As I helped guide my four children into the knowledge of the love of God, I often found myself asking: “How do I give them the gift of hearing You and knowing You, God?”
Because each of my children were as different as each snowflake that falls from the sky, I would have to learn to lean on Jesus and not my own understanding for leadership. After all, He is the God who knows the number of hairs on their heads and He is the God who knows what they are going to say before it is formed in their mouth (Psalm 139). He held the key to their hearts and He holds the key to the hearts of all of our children.
In the midst of seeking Him, there are some guidelines we can follow that will guide us in this journey of leading our children into the knowledge of His love.
We must know his voice ourselves.
We cannot teach what we don’t possess. Our starting point should be: Do I know the voice of the Father?
Do you understand how He speaks to you? Most of the time we sense the Lord’s presence and leadership. He speaks through His word and through the wisdom of others. Many people have a sense of peace when they are following the leadership of the Lord, while others might have dreams guiding them through life.
When we are comfortable with God’s voice and leadership in our lives, it makes talking about it, modeling it, and guiding our children much easier.
Understand your child’s love language.
How does your child receive love? Do they delight in gifts? Do positive, affirming words motivate them? Do they want to sit with you, or lie with you while falling to sleep at night?
Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, gives insight into five ways that people receive love or “get their love bucket full.” Hearing God’s voice is about knowing His love. As we understand the way our children receive love, we can reinforce God’s movement in their lives and help guide them into knowing His leadership.
Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help.
We are blessed to have the gift of Holy Spirit, the indwelling God. We are told that if we ask, we will find and if we knock, the door will be opened. As a mother or father, we can boldly enter the throne room of grace and find mercy. We need God’s wisdom in guiding our children to know Him. He knows our children better than anyone and He knows the way to guide them to Himself. We get to partner with Him and guide our children to Him.
God has great plans for our children. His promise is to give them a “hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). He is a good, good Father who loves to lavish His love on His sons and daughters.
A Prayer for Your Children
Father, thank you for your desire to know us and know our children. I confess my weakness to you and ask for your help in guiding my child into your loving embrace. God I agree that there is no greater gift that I can give to my child than the gift You give, the gift of yourself. Lord as I know you more, it will open to the doors for my children to know you more. I decree today “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). We (my children, spouse, and myself) are all your sons and daughters, created to live in you and you in us. As a parent, I welcome your voice and leadership in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Misty Honnold is the Founder and Director of the non-profit organization The Single MOM KC. Misty equips, trains and empowers women to discover the source of their strength in Christ. She publishes a weekly blog on the website The Single MOM KC as well as freelances for other publications. She is working on her first book to be published in 2016; an autobiographical teaching of the Song of Solomon.
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Publication date: February 27, 2017
Originally published February 27, 2017.