3 Reasons to Stop Waiting for Someday

When Dave and I were dating, we loved to walk downtown. We’d chat, eat, stroll, chat some more, and had a few cozy spots along the river that we especially enjoyed.
One wooden, weathered park bench in particular we christened our “Someday Bench” because the night we decided to date officially and exclusively, we carved “someday” into that bench. Just a glimpse of our shining eyes and giant smiles and you’ll know how much hope and possibility that word held for us!
I kept “someday” close to my heart for a long time as a promise of beautiful things to come . . . Someday I’ll get engaged. Someday I’ll get married. Someday I’ll own a house. Someday I’ll move away from FL heat back to where it snows . . . . The word meant anything big that I looked forward to.
It wasn’t too many years into marriage, though, when that word began to tell me a different story – a twisted one that went,
You always have to wait for the things you’d really love.
And that, my friends, was a very sad tale.
Have you ever felt
We might be putting too much pressure on a 7-letter word. But the truth is, the “SOMEDAY STORY” is one the devil masterfully wields to keep us from living in Canaan today. He knows this red button can paralyze us and keep us from claiming the amazing that God has for us right now.
Oh, we say things like “not the right time” or “waiting on God” or “I just want to do what HE wants me to do.”
But what if those are just excuses? What if God actually WANTS us to live MORE of what we love TODAY? What if the life you dream of could start NOW instead of “someday when I . . .”
- have enough money
- get married
- know the time is right
- retire
- finish raising the kids
- feel I know enough
- figure out which job is perfect
With apologies to Snow White, you and I were never actually promised “Someday.” And waiting for it is just a recipe for flattened hopes, discarded dreams, and dissatisfied life.
In my search for an alternative to flattened-discarded-dissatisfied, I’ve discovered three reasons to delete the word from my vocabulary. Each of these has inspired me at one point or another when the “Someday Story” tries to creep back in:
1. You can choose!
Wouldn’t you love to pick the what and when of the things you dream of? The power of choice is one of the greatest powers you have. Go ahead and wield it to affect the life you want right now – not just someday in the foggy future. Who or what is telling you that “someday” is your destiny anyway? You hold the power to choose. So, why not choose that someday will begin TODAY?
2. You are not a victim.
Listening to the “Someday Story” can further convince you that life is happening to you. But it’s not. You can Carpe a little Diem any time you want because you’re the hero of your own adventure story! And heroes live fully right now without waiting for stars to align perfectly or other “characters” to give them permission.
3. Stepping toward a dream is more fun.
What do you want? If you could have anything, would you . . . travel more? hire a housecleaner? quit your job? hike the mountains? be healthier? happier? inspired more often?
Let your mind imagine what your best life could look like – then take one small step this minute. Want a housecleaner? (That’s one of mine.) Spend 10 minutes writing an ad. You don’t even have to post it yet, but you’re one step closer to the life you’ll love. And taking even a small step is a whole lot more fun than waiting, any day of the week.
So why not take control of today, dream up a few immediate possibilities, and start walking toward them? While I still love our Someday Bench, I’ve concluded it’s best left to blissful dating memory and not so much a mantra for life.
Janna Wright adores crisp mountain air, deep talks, and chocolate peanut butter anything. Good stories fascinate her and she loves sharing them, often giggling at her own jokes before she gets the punch line out. A Performance Driven Life survivor, Janna’s passion is to see women of faith embrace their God-given identity and purpose and live their best adventure stories now. You can find stories and inspiration for real-life faith on Janna’s website, Grace Thread, and in her upcoming book, Grace Changes Everything.
Publication date: June 2, 2016
Originally published June 20, 2017.