6 Things to Do When Your Dreams Don’t Align with God’s Will
![6 Things to Do When Your Dreams Don’t Align with God’s Will](https://i.swncdn.com/media/960w/via/16314-gettyimages-1213848852-tinnakorn-jorruang.jpg)
As we approach the new year, it is common for people to want to set goals that will help them accomplish the dreams that they have for their lives. As Christians, however, when we put God at the center of our lives, his will and our dreams and goals sometimes don't align. Sometimes it can be difficult for Christians to find the line between wanting to have dreams and goals for their lives and wanting to be at the center of God's will. If you find your dreams and goals are different than what you feel God is calling for your life, you may have to make some adjustments to align them with God's will. Here are six things you can do when your dreams and goals don't align with God's will:
1. Let Them Go
If you ever prayed and found your dreams and goals don't align with God's will, you may have to let those dreams and goals die. While we have free will in this life, nothing is safer than knowing we are in the center of God's will. Creating dreams and goals for ourselves outside of God's world will only lead to undue stress and tension, as well as resentment towards God and others. Once we discover God's will for us, we can align our dreams and goals with that.
For example, a person may feel called by God to start a Christian-based business to help bring the gospel message to their communities. A dream that's aligned with this calling might be to have a physical store in your local strip mall to the community can have access. Goals that would align with this dream might be to save a certain amount of money, contact the landlord of any empty buildings that might be a potentially good spot, and raise money for six months of rent. Often our dreams and goals for our lives line up with how God has wired us. When we can discover God's will, we can then discover our ultimate purpose and align our dreams and goals to accomplish those things.
2. Re-Evaluate Them
Sometimes a simple re-evaluation of your dreams and goals is all it takes to align them with God's will. I think God's will and the desires of your heart are not that far off. Analyze your dreams and goals. What is the motivation behind those goals? While there's nothing wrong with self-improvement, evaluate if your goals are reasonable. One way to re-evaluate your goals is to use the SMART method. Goals that use this method should be:
Specific- For example, if you want to lose weight, your goal should be to lose 13 pounds by April 1st, not simply I want to lose more weight.
Measurable- How will you know you've met this goal? Will you use an app? A pad and paper to write down your weight each day? Our goal is only achievable if it has a way to measure its success.
Attainable- losing 13 pounds by January 1st is not reasonable as it may be mathematically impossible. But losing 13 pounds by April 1st is attainable. Don't create goals that only set you up for failure. Set goals that you can achieve in small measurable steps.
Realistic- While becoming a millionaire might be doable for some who have lots of disposable income, for those that live paycheck to paycheck, becoming a millionaire by year's end would require a miracle. Although becoming a millionaire might not be God's will for your life, wanting to have some savings for a rainy day and not rely on credit cards is being a good steward of the money God has given you. Figure out what's realistic and set goals within that framework. You can even set goals every quarter or by-annually if that's easier.
Timely- Make sure you have a deadline as to when you will retrieve your goal. Losing more weight is great; losing 13 pounds by April 1st is timely.
3. Do a Heart Check
If you find your dreams and goals are not in alignment with God's will, do a heart check and figure out why you've set these goals in the first place. For example, losing weight is always a good goal, especially when it involves eating better and exercising. But if you aim to lose weight because you want to look the way you looked 20 years ago, analyze that desire. Why are you discontent with the way you look right now? Do what you can to ensure you are in the best mental, emotional and spiritual state before you set your dreams and goals. When God is ready, he will reveal his will for your life. You can arrange your dreams and goals around that.
4. Pray about It
Have you done the spiritual work necessary to create your dreams and goals around what God wants for your life? Or are you simply setting goals because it's what you want? God wants people who yield their entire lives to him, including their dreams and goals. God is not out to punish us or make us miserable in life. He has wired each and every one of us with special gifts and talents. When we discover how God's will might fit into that, we can create our dreams and goals that push us forward in achieving God's will for our lives.
5. Trust God
Psalm 37:5 says, "Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, he will do it." When we surrender our dreams and goals, we will demonstrate that we trust him fully in every aspect of our lives. Although trusting in God may seem counterproductive, sometimes the best thing we can do is simply surrender our desires to him. Waiting on God and casting your cares upon him can move us forward in our lives more so than any dream or goal we can create for ourselves.
6. Be Content
Philippians 4:11-13 says, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
There is a saying that says, "bloom where you're planted." This means not to be concerned about being in a place where the grass is greener but rather thrive in whatever circumstances God has you in at this time. When your dreams and goals don't align with God's will, you may be in a waiting period. Generations passed between the time the last prophet heard from the Lord and Christ's birth. Hundreds of years had passed between the two. The people during that time must have been discontent with knowing a Savior is coming and not seeing that prophecy come to pass.
It may be the same in our current circumstances. We may be waiting on God to act in a certain situation, and it may feel like he has forgotten, or it's taking much longer than we anticipated. Yet God's timing is always perfect. Be content where God has you in the circumstances he has you in right now. Use the difficult situation to get closer to the Lord.
Having dreams and goals is admirable but being in the center of God's will is even better. Ask him "to make your paths straight" and to lean on his understanding, not your own. You may not receive the answer to your situation as you had hoped or see the dreams you have for your life realized but utilizing your time to get closer to the Lord is a way to live your life in the best way possible.
Originally published December 14, 2022.