
Jesus … Single Like Me: He Knew His Purpose

His purpose was first a relationship with his Heavenly Father and, as a result, a relationship with us. This relationship involved dying on a...
Updated Jan 13, 2011
Jesus … Single Like Me:  He Knew His Purpose

Jesus lived his life as a single adult till his death. Because he lived his life as a single adult, he understands every aspect of what you and I are experiencing today. This series examines the "singleness" of Christ in relation to our singleness with the hope you will be encouraged to walk this journey you have been given. A journey that not only leads to the cross for our salvation but to his resurrection for our future.

Jesus Knew His Purpose.  Do You?

Buzz, buzz, buzz. There went the alarm again, another day of work, the grind, people to meet, places to be, work to do. I could smell the aroma of sausage cooking in the kitchen. Mmm, it smells good.

I hit the alarm to get in a few extra winks. "Get up, get up," my mom said. "You'll be late for work." Yeah, yeah, late for work, who cares, just another day."

I was 25 years old and living at home. I had moved back to "find myself" and to pay off some debt. Even though I had received Christ as my Savior in college and spent several years serving him, through one reason or another, I stopped attending church and fell back into poor habits resulting from poor choices. I ended up in debt with no real direction for my life.

However, even though I was at the worse place I had ever been in my life, I knew God had not forgotten me and that he wanted me back--but back for what? I was so embarrassed at some of the choices I had made. From sinful relationships, to how I used my money, to how I had treated my friends to even my relationship with my parents. I had a hard time believing God would want to use me.

It wasn't long before I found a good job as a graphic designer. However, I still wasn't in church, so my parents started praying for me to find a Bible-teaching church--one where I could find people my own age. A church that would not only minister to me, but would allow me to serve based on where I was in my walk with God. They prayed that I would find direction with my life--purpose.

Through a customer of mine from work, I found out about a singles ministry called SOLO (Singles Offering Life to Others). SOLO was sponsored by a local church and represented single adults of all ages and backgrounds who may or may not have attended that church. Its purpose was to connect and grow singles adults for Christ. I was so excited to find SOLO and make some new friends. However, it was months before I truly became a part of the ministry, the team and its purpose. It took that long for me to believe God could use me.

One day, a leader told me about their annual conference they were planning and how they were in need of some help. Because they knew I was a graphic designer, they asked me if I would be interested in creating the banner for the conference. I liked the idea of creating something that would be seen by a lot of people. This could be good for my design business. It also sort of made me feel valued among this new group of single adults. Then the leader asked me something I wasn't expecting:  "Oh, and besides doing the banner, we need you to attend the weekly team meetings that will last for the next eleven months."

"Eleven months and weekly meetings for one banner?" They also told me that I would have homework as they had devotions each week. I could not believe that in order to do this banner I would have to attend a weekly meeting, do a devotion and help plan a conference where I only had one small part. I didn't know it at the time, but everything they were doing was strategic and intentional. Everything they were doing was to show me how to live out my purpose in Christ. But what would that be? Through spending time with Christ, I would learn about his purpose and, as a result, find mine.

So what was Christ's purpose? His purpose was first a relationship with his Heavenly Father and, as a result, a relationship with us. This relationship involved dying on a cross for our sins. As a result of his purpose, my life had purpose. My purpose was to have a relationship with Christ that glorified him first then as a result of that relationship, a relationship with others. A relationship to bring others to Christ.

Furthermore, because of Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for He chose us from the beginning, and all things happen just as he decided long ago. God's purpose was that we who were the first to trust in Christ should praise our glorious God (Ephesians 1:11-12).

Was Christ's purpose affected by his singleness? Jesus taught me that his purpose had nothing to do with his singleness nor his family, his job or status, his finances, where he lived or his friends. But his singleness did help in fulfilling his purpose in the fact that he had more flexibility to travel, spend his money, time and resources without asking a spouse what she thought. He was not tied down with personal family responsibilities. He could freely build friendships of both the same and opposite sex.

So be encouraged to know that our singleness is valued by God. It can be used to do amazing things in Christ that as a married adult you cannot do.

  • You have a choice on how you define your singleness.
  • You have a choice on who you will follow.
  • You have a choice on who you mentor/lead/influence.
  • You have a choice on how to use the gifts that God has given you.
  • You have a choice on what you leave behind.

I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do (John 17:4).

SOLO and its singles conference turned out to be more than me designing one banner. They used this as a way to find common ground with me. To start a relationship that, in turn, got me connected into the ministry of Christ. I served on this team week after week, praying, studying the Word of God, making new friends and eventually building my relationship with Christ to a level way beyond my imagination. SOLO and its leaders helped me find my purpose, my identity in Christ and direction for my life.

Questions for Discussion or Personal Exploration:

1. How would you define your relationship with Christ?

2. How has your relationship with Christ changed since you became a Christian?

3. How much time do you spend with Christ daily? Would you say your relationship is growing?

4. Do you now understand your purpose has nothing to do with being a parent, getting married, your job, or your material things? Do you know that it's about a relationship with Christ and as a result of that relationship, a relationship with others?

5.  How does this change your future? What will you do differently?

6. Read Jeremiah 29:11. What does this mean to you?

7. Read Ephesians 4:12. What does this mean to you?

8. Knowing Christ was single and he had purpose, does this encourage you?


Start today to pray and ask God for how you can use your purpose to reach others for him. Remember, it must first start with building a relationship with Christ.

**This article first published on May 18, 2010.

Kris Swiatocho is the President and Director of Ministries and Ministries.  Kris has served in ministry in various capacities for the last 20 years. An accomplished trainer and mentor, Kris has a heart to reach and grow leaders so they will in turn reach and grow others. She is currently working on her third Bible study, From the Manger to the Cross:  The Men in Jesus' Life.  Her second Bible study, From the Manger to the Cross:  The Women in Jesus' Life, was published last fall and is available on her websites.  Her first book, Singles and Relationships: A 31-Day Experiment, was co-authored with Dick Purnell of Single Life Resources. Ministries  helps churches, pastors and single adult leaders evaluate, develop and support their single adult ministries through high-energy speaking engagements, results-oriented consulting and training and leadership development conferences and seminars. Click here to request a FREE "How to Start a Single Adult Ministry" guide. Ministries
is Kris's speaking ministry. If you've ever heard her speak, you know that Kris is the kind of speaker who keeps the crowd captivated, shares great information and motivates people to make a difference in the lives of those around them! She speaks to all church audiences on everything from "first impression" ministry to women's topics to singles and young adults. She can speak on a Sunday morning, at a woman's retreat or for a single adults conference. Bring Kris to your church today!

Singles and Relationships by Kris Swiatocho and Dick Purnell
Many singles are Christians who wonder if God will ever bring a mate their way or if they should just stop focusing on a future with a marriage partner and live the single life to the fullest.  Kris Swiatocho and Dick Purnell offer solid biblical answers for singles in this newest title in Dick's popular 31-Day Experiment Bible study.

Originally published May 18, 2010.