Let God Be the Author of Your Love Story
We all love a good love story. There is something woven within the human heart that craves to see not just a happily ever after but the kind of love story where something distinctly beautiful is made. Perhaps that is why fairy tales capture our affections early in life and seem never to let go, for they hold a one-of-a-kind story we long to ponder and dream about. Nevertheless, even with the best writers on this earth, nothing can compare to a love story written by God Himself.
Formulated Doesn’t Work
When God is the author of a story, there is not a formulated equation every time. Consider in the Bible how God would work in one way for one story but a completely different way at another time to accomplish His purposes. To speak to Moses, He used the burning bush, but to speak to Joseph, husband of Mary, He spoke in dreams. Both methods accomplished what God intended in giving direction, instruction, and intention, but they were very different methods of communication. In the same way, we cannot limit God to predictability when it comes to love stories. For some people, they meet in high school via an app, and for others, it can be a story so out of the box that the only conclusion can be God Himself. This is why we must not assume that every story must be the classic boy meets girl story, for that is not always how God works.
Different Doesn’t Equal Incorrect
Just because a story is different does not make it incorrect or lesser in some fashion. This is something to hold firm to, especially regarding the flow of a story. I was in a wedding last weekend where the bride and groom had a traditional story of being friends for a year, dating for another year, and having been engaged for eight months. It was traditional but absolutely perfect for their hearts and how God has equipped them, but that does not always apply to everyone. Another friend of mine met her husband and then did not see him for five years, all to run into him at a National Day of Prayer in Minnesota at the perfect moment. Because of the introduction years prior, they knew of each other, but the timing was perfect in God’s timing. They then proceeded to date long-distance and are now married. Just because something does not look like anyone else’s story does not make it somehow lesser or wrong; love stories are like snowflakes. They are all different and perfect in their unique way.
Timing is critical for any and everything, and in allowing God to be the author of your love story, you must allow Him to control the aspects of timing as well. That can be one of the hardest pills to swallow, for it requires faith and patience. Patience is not as much about the length of time as it is trusting that God will act correctly in His timing. The person you are to be as a spouse and the person your future spouse needs to be is vital to the flourishing of your relationship, but that also requires character development and life-shaping aspects to be collected along the way. Perhaps there are aspects of your personality that God seeks to cultivate and grow, or perhaps He will plant a seed of an idea or desire in your heart that you will see blossom in the time of courtship. Whatever He is growing, ask Him how you can help the process and what parts need pruning in order that you may fully experience what God has for you along the way. Love stories are not just about the destination and ending; they are about the journey too. Your wedding date, future children, and calling all have specific dates attached, so even if it feels like forever that you are waiting, rest assured that God knows exactly and precisely what He is doing and when.
In order to allow God to author a story only He could write in your life, you must be willing to be obedient to His requests. This means having great courage at times, stepping out of the boat as Peter did onto the water to walk towards Jesus. Peter had to keep his eyes on the Lord to avoid sinking. In the same way, when God calls us to take action, no matter how unrealistic, how crazy, or how irrational it looks, we must have faith that He has us covered as long as we are focused on Him. Many times, we will find that God leads us a certain way in order to get us where we belong. Consider John 13:7, “You may not understand now, but one day you will.” Perhaps trusting Him and taking that step of obedience is the missing bridge between you now and a beautiful life of promise and goodness He has for you. Take the step with your eyes on Him, knowing He will never lead you astray.
Stop Taking the Pen
We must stop trying to steal away the pen from the Lord if we are truly to let Him author the story of our lives. In action, this looks like no longer making decisions and moves on our own, but rather inviting Him into every aspect of life to direct us that we may experience life walked out in the will and leading of God Himself. It also means surrendering what you thought life might look like, the daydreams you had in your head, and receiving what He had planned for you. Although it may not look like what you would have written, believe that we have a Father in Heaven who knows what is best for us, and His ways are better. (Isaiah 48:17).
Modeled After Christ and the Church
Lastly, remember that ultimately a love story and marriage is to model after Christ and His bride, the Church. We are not on this earth solely to live out our own lives for our pleasures and joys, but we are here to love and serve the Lord in all we do. Viewing marriage and the person you will marry in the context of being reminiscent of Christ and the Church will then allow you to see not only the fruit of what a relationship can be but the depths of love that exist from a godly love and perspective. It is not the cheesy kind of Hallmark love that ends with apple pie and a kiss; instead, it is an intimate and fully known, seen, cherished, and cared for love that comes from loving another person as Christ loves His Church. This is not to say the other person will do this perfectly, but it serves as an example of how we ought to operate in the context of loving someone in a holy, set apart, and godly way.
God is the author of the best stories of all, and it is clear not only to us but to those around us that when He writes a story and holds the pen, abundance flows. Remember too that your love story does not end at the altar when you say, “I do.” It is a journey this side of Heaven. Ask God where and how He can author your love story, whether you are waiting for your spouse or you are married. God instituted marriage, and it is dear to His heart, so believe and surrender over the pen that you may see just how lovely, unique, and magnificent His story is for you.
Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com
Originally published June 21, 2022.