1 in 4 Pregnancies End in Abortion, Study Reveals

1 in 4 Pregnancies End in Abortion, Study Reveals

New research has revealed that one in four pregnancies now end in abortion, according to ChristianToday.com.

The statistic comes from research conducted by the World Health Organization and the Guttmacher Institute.

One in four pregnancies amounts to around 56 million abortions every year.

The research also found that while the abortion rate in developed countries has declined in recent years, the abortion rate in third world countries has increased.

There were about 50 million abortions every year between 1990-1994, according to the research, but that number has risen to 56 million between 2010-2014.

In developed countries, the abortion rate has dropped 10 points, from 24 to 14 among 1,000 reproductive-age women.

Nola Leach, chief executive of the Christian charity CARE, said the abortion rate statistic is “absolutely tragic.”

"While the number of abortions in more developed countries has come down the global figure is disturbingly high and a reminder of the international challenge we face in standing up for the unborn,” said Leach.

"All too often, abortion is seen and sold as the only solution for mothers who are encouraged to view an unplanned pregnancy as a problem that needs solving. But we should be making sure mothers are fully aware that there are different options out there, other than termination,” she continued.

The research also found that the abortion rate remained mostly the same whether abortion was legal or not.

The study has encouraged a heightened effort to provide women with improved contraceptive services.

"Investing in modern contraceptive methods would be far less costly to women and to society than having unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions,” stated Dr. Bela Ganatra, of the World Health Organization.

Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com

Publication date: May 13, 2016