23 Dead in Nigeria after Confiscated Boko Haram Bomb Explodes

23 Dead in Nigeria after Confiscated Boko Haram Bomb Explodes

At least 23 people were killed in Nigeria when a Boko Haram bomb that was confiscated by vigilantes exploded. The BBC reports the vigilantes had been celebrating a successful mission against the terrorist group when the bomb detonated. 

The incident appears to have been accidental. 

Military police member Tahir Monguno said, "The vigilante group together with the military decided to go to villages in Marte local government [area] where there is preponderance of Boko Haram elements...In the course of the operation they killed some Boko Haram insurgents and they confiscated their weapons.” 

The mission went awry when a vigilante did not report one of the improved explosive devices (IEDs) that was picked up during the attack. 

Ten people were killed instantly in the blast and 13 more died en route to the hospital in Maiduguri. Others remain in the hospital with injuries. 

"Fifteen of them are [still] in the intensive care unit of the hospital," Monguno said.

Publication date: June 18, 2015