5 Reasons Why You Should Pay Attention to Threats against Israel

5 Reasons Why You Should Pay Attention to Threats against Israel
Mainline media outlets have been conspicuously silent about overt threats to the State of Israel. Together, let’s understand why these recent threats are relevant and should be troubling for Americans and especially those who follow Christ.

As you may know, when Israel became a nation again in 1948, a land dispute erupted. To this day, Israelis and Palestinians claim a right to the same land.

For years, conflict resolution strategies have boiled down to how or whether to divide the land between these two peoples. The last peace talks broke down in 2014.

Now, the conflict is heating up again.

The key points of the current situation are as follows:

This past fall Hamas told President Trump it would “wipe out Israel.”

Also several months ago, leaders of Hamas met in Iran prompting concern from U.S. Special Envoy Jason Greenblatt.

Even more recently, Hamas’ leader in Gaza, threated to bomb Tel Aviv.

November 2 marked the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, a letter which helped Israel become a nation. Hamas and Palestinian Arabs are called on Great Britain to apologize for the “crime of the Balfour Declaration.”

There is talk that President Trump is close to unveiling an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. While some dismiss the notion, a senior U.S. official told the Times of Israel the U.S. is engaged in “productive dialogue with all relevant parties about an enduring peace deal.”

So why should you pay attention to these threats against Israel? Here are five reasons:

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1. Hamas (and other terrorist organizations) don’t want peace with Israel; they want genocide.

1. Hamas (and other terrorist organizations) don’t want peace with Israel; they want genocide.

While versions of the “two-state solution” proposed by various world leaders throughout the years would allow Palestine and Israel to live side-by-side as independent nations, Hamas isn’t interested. According to its 1988 charter, Hamas plans to “obliterate” Israel and raise the “banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.” In truth, Hamas wants Jewish genocide.


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2. Christians are indebted to Jews for their spiritual heritage.

2. Christians are indebted to Jews for their spiritual heritage.

The apostle Paul taught that, since Gentile Christians share in the Jewish spiritual blessings, they should also be of service to the Jews (Romans 15:27). The Jews laid the foundation of our faith, giving us the Old Testament, our Messiah, the prophets, and apostles. Without a doubt, Christians should demonstrate concern for the Jewish people as well as the land where Jesus lived and will return (Zechariah 14:4).


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3. Anti-Semitism is rising, and Christians need to think counter-culturally.

3. Anti-Semitism is rising, and Christians need to think counter-culturally.

Charlottesville was proof that anti-Semitism is rising in the United States. As Jonathan Miller warned back in 2012, Hamas would like nothing more than to win the hearts and minds of Americans: “If they can provoke Israel to unintentionally kill enough innocent Palestinian civilians — and effectively use the media to paint themselves as the heroic blood-stained victim — then perhaps enough liberals will join in their efforts to wipe the Jewish State off the map.”


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4. Hamas is nurturing an alliance with Iran.

4. Hamas is nurturing an alliance with Iran.

Collaboration between Hamas and Iran is concerning because, just last June, Iranian protesters took to the streets chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.” Furthermore, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once warned the United Nations, a nuclear-armed Iran would pose the “gravest threat to us all.”


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5. It will help you know how to pray.

5. It will help you know how to pray.

First, the Bible commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Since both Palestinian Arabs and Jews claim Jerusalem as their capital, now is the time to take that verse seriously. (God loves both peoples. The Palestinians and Israelis each deserve a homeland of their own that is secure.)

Second, record-numbers of Muslims are reportedly seeing visions of Jesus and following Him. (Read about it herehere, and here.) Therefore, join me in praying that leaders of Hamas and Iran will see visions of Jesus and follow the Messiah and Prince of Peace.

After all, no person is beyond God’s love and reach. As former enemies of God, followers of Christ are living proof of this truth (Colossians 1:21-22).


Laura Lacey Johnson is a cutting-edge faith and culture writer who focuses on everyday headlines. In addition to speaking, she is a columnist for Christian Headlines.com. To read Laura’s latest work on the headlines, visit www.lauralaceyjohnson.com, or to download your FREE copy of Why Jerusalem is Important to 3 World Religions, subscribe to her blog here.

This slideshow was based on Johnson's article for ChristianHeadlines.com "Why You Should Pay Attention to Threats about Israel."

Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstockphotos.com

Publication date: February 14, 2018