5-Year-Old Boy Uses His Own Money to Help Those in Need

5-Year-Old Boy Uses His Own Money to Help Those in Need

A 5-year-old New Jersey boy used his savings to help members of his community in what he termed “Kindness Day.”

According to TheBlaze.com, William Evertz Jr. collected money over seven months doing chores and then decided to spend the money on others.

His mother, Tara Evertz, said William was inspired by a YouTube video.

“We watched a video of someone helping the homeless and next thing you know it kind of took off,” she said.

The first thing William and his mother did was to go to Subway to buy sandwiches for local police officers. The police made him an honorary member of the force for a day and gave him a shirt and badge.

“He wants to help people, he likes being kind,” said Lt. Chris Dubler. “When we all signed up for this job that was our thing — we want to help people, and I think he’s going to do a good job.”

William said he appreciated how the police worked to protect people and keep them safe.

William and his mother also took toys and school supplies to children at a domestic violence shelter, as well as gave a family in need $25 to help with their daycare expenses.


Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com

Publication date: August 25, 2016