522 People Arrested in Super Bowl Sex Trafficking Crackdown

522 People Arrested in Super Bowl Sex Trafficking Crackdown

It is widely known that the Super Bowl presents one of the most significant avenues for sex trafficking. This year, however, law enforcement officials were ready for these covert operations and managed to crack down on as many as 522 would-be sex buyers and traffickers.

In Houston alone, where Super Bowl LI was held, law enforcement officials arrested 183 potential buyers and nine traffickers, according to Relevant Magazine. Additionally, law enforcement reportedly rescued 73 adult sex trafficking victims and three juvenile victims, according to Aol.com News.

"Houston was home to Super Bowl LI. As we welcomed the world to our city, we made it clear that there is no place for victimization and sexual exploitation,” stated Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.

"Sex trafficking continues to destroy countless lives, and this broad national movement should send a strong message to prospective johns that their 'hobby' is much more than a 'victimless' crime," added Illinois Sheriff Thomas J. Dart in a press release.

"It's particularly meaningful that this sting culminated on the day of the Super Bowl, which unfortunately has emerged as a prominent haven for sex trafficking,” he continued.

The arrests took place in cities across the U.S. and not only in Houston.

Some of the stories of the arrests are difficult to read. One man reportedly had his young child with him while he tried to purchase sex.    


Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com

Publication date: February 15, 2017