6th Planned Parenthood Video Claims Company 'Donates' Fetal Organs without Consent

6th Planned Parenthood Video Claims Company 'Donates' Fetal Organs without Consent

Pro-life group Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released a sixth video that points to Planned Parenthood’s involvement with the sale of aborted fetal organs. 

Life News reports the video interviews Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who accepted a job as a “procurement technician” with biotech company Stem Express in 2012. O’Donnell was under the impression that she would be taking Planned Parenthood patients’ blood. Instead, she was expected to dissect aborted fetuses and harvest organs that would be sold to research companies. 

O’Donnell now says her supervisors told her to pressure patients to “donate” aborted organs; sometimes, Stem Express patients did not obtain consent at all. 

She said, “If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.”

Speaking of Planned Parenthood, O’Donnell said, “I’m not going to tell a girl to kill her baby just to get money… and that’s what this company does. Straight up. That’s what this company does.”

David Daleiden of CMP said, “Experiences like Holly O’Donnell’s show that Planned Parenthood’s abortion and baby parts business is not a safe place where vulnerable women can be cared for, but a harvesting ground for saleable human ‘product.’ Taxpayer subsidies to Planned Parenthood’s barbaric abortion business should be revoked immediately, and law enforcement and other elected officials must act decisively to determine the full extent of Planned Parenthood’s offensive practices and hold them accountable to the law.”

Publication date: August 13, 2015