Abortionist Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Performing Illegal Abortions

Abortionist Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Performing Illegal Abortions

An abortionist has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for operating an abortion clinic that provided late term abortions.

LifeNews.com reports that abortionist Carlos Morín has been under investigation for many years, but was finally convicted.

Morín ran an abortion clinic in Spain that catered especially to British women, charging them exorbitant prices for late-term abortions.

Reporter Robert Mendick reported on how Morín was eventually prosecuted:

“Two Sunday Telegraph journalists, posing as a couple, secretly filmed staff at [Morín’s Ginemedex clinic] admitting it offered abortions for women as late as 30 weeks pregnant. Under British law, abortions without medical justification must be carried out before 24 weeks of pregnancy. Under Spanish law at the time, the limit was 22 weeks.”

Mendick went on to note that “Ginemedex staff were caught on film and audio offering to abort the healthy 26-week-old foetus of an undercover reporter.” 

And in addition to offering late-term abortions for high prices, “machines ‘to grind foetuses’ were found hidden at the clinic and at another run by Morín. The machines were connected to drains.”

Morín was accused of amassing enormous profit from his illegal abortion practice. Some women were charged as much as $4,300 for an abortion.

Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com

Publication date: June 29, 2016