ACLJ Flooded With New IRS Discrimination Cases

  • Religion Today
  • Published Jun 14, 2013
ACLJ Flooded With New IRS Discrimination Cases

Some have declared the Internal Revenue Service's tea party targeting scandal is over, but new complaints continue to pour in to the American Center for Law and Justice, which is already representing two dozen clients who faced IRS scrutiny, CBN News reports. Executive director Jordan Sekulow said that since the ACLJ filed a lawsuit last week on behalf of 25 organizations, they've been bombarded with requests for help. Sekulow said the ACLJ may have about 100 new possible cases of IRS discrimination. That includes reports of viewpoint discrimination by the IRS, with tax agents harassing a pro-life group by telling them their beliefs were not scientific. Sekulow said he believes the widespread IRS campaign against conservative groups was being directed by Washington, possibly White House officials. While he does not suggest there will be a "smoking gun" document, Sekulow points out that IRS officials visited the White House more times than even the U.S. attorney general, and President Obama publicly went after tea party groups during his campaign.