Activists Say Most Women Pro-Life

  • Religion Today
  • Published Feb 02, 2012
Activists Say Most Women Pro-Life

February 3, 2012

As female pro-life leaders gathered in D.C. this week for one of the largest events ever held to honor and mobilize pro-life women, many of them echoed the same facts -- that the majority of American women are pro-life, and that they are the ones leading the fight against abortion, CBN News reports. Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life, cited statistics showing that pro-life women are now a majority, and a growing one. "People keep flocking in our direction as women themselves are speaking up to talk about how much the abortion experience damaged them, how much they regret that decision," she said. Radio personality Mary Katherine Ham added that many women were fed up with the insistence of liberal-leaning feminists that all liberated women must hold pro-choice views. "The truth is that women are at the helm of the pro-life movement," said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List.