Actress Jennifer Hudson Credits Faith for Bringing Her through Murder of Three Family Members

Actress Jennifer Hudson Credits Faith for Bringing Her through Murder of Three Family Members

Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson said in a recently-published interview that her Christian faith helped her deal with the pain and grief of losing three family members in 2008. 

The American Idol finalist and Dreamgirls co-star lost her mother, brother and nephew when Hudson’s former brother-in-law, William Balfour, committed a triple homicide when Hudson’s sister left him. Balfour is serving three life sentences in prison. 

Hudson said, "I have definitely seen the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. You don't know how strong you are until you are placed in that kind of moment."

Hudson grew up as a Christian and sang in the church choir. She now says that it was her faith that brought her through the darkest period of her life. 

"We always said: 'If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it,'" Hudson said. "There would be no point in faith if it wasn't tested. My mother always told me no matter how negative your life seems to be, you must always look for a positive.”

Hudson said she hopes that fans will listen to her music and hear her testimony. 

"What do they say in church? Sing from your heart, because you are singing to God. You know, when I used to sing those solos in church I would go through every line and ask the director: 'What does this mean? What are we trying to convey here?' If you can’t feel the emotion of a song, how do you expect anyone else to? It’s like a testimony in that way.”

Publication date: July 28, 2014