Air Force to Remove Requirement for Hotel Bibles

  • Religion Today
  • Published Apr 25, 2012
Air Force to Remove Requirement for Hotel Bibles

April 25, 2012

The Air Force will no longer require Air Force Inns -- temporary lodging facilities found at most major Air Force bases -- to have Bibles in their rooms, WORLD News Service reports. According to a statement released by the National Prayer Caucus, "After receiving a complaint by the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, the Air Force will remove 'Is a Bible provided?' from the checklist that staff at Air Force Inns use when ensuring that rooms comply with lodging standards." An Air Force official said, "After a legal review, the Air Force Services Agency determined that there was no legal reason to have the question on the lodging checklist." Bibles are placed in Air Force Inn rooms by the Gideons, at no cost to the government.