American Detained in North Korea Faces Trial

American Detained in North Korea Faces Trial

American detainee Matthew Todd Miller’s trial will be held on Sunday. The 24-year-old is accused of entering North Korea with plans of seeking asylum.

Miller allegedly entered North Korea on April 10 with a tourist visa. Upon his entry, miller tripped his visa and yelling that “he came to the DPRK after choosing it as a shelter,” reports KCNA. North Korea media accused Miller of “rash behavior” and “gross violation of its legal order.” 

Miller’s fate remains uncertain. In a previous interview with CNN, Miller said, "I will say that I prepared to violate the law of the DPRK before coming here. And I deliberately committed my crime."

Miller did not explain what his crime was. 

Miller is one of three Americans currently detained in North Korea; Kenneth Bae and Jeffrey Fowle are also in custody. The three detainees have appealed to the U.S. government for help. 

Miller said, "My situation is very urgent. That very soon, I'm going to trial and I will directly be sent to prison. I think this interview is my final chance to push the American government into helping me."

Publication date: September 12, 2014