American SIM USA Doctor with Ebola Arrives in Nebraska for Treatment

American SIM USA Doctor with Ebola Arrives in Nebraska for Treatment

Dr. Rick Sacra, a SIM USA doctor and the third American to be infected with Ebola, has arrived in Omaha to receive treatment for the virus. 

Sacra, 51, was treating pregnant women in Liberia when he contracted the disease. The missionary physician was flown into Offutt Air Force Base and was safely taken to the University of Nebraska Medical Center. 

In a statement, Sacra’s wife Debbie said, “I just had a call from the doctor who put Rick on a plane to come to the United States. He said that Rick is clearly sick, but that he was in very good spirits.

“He walked onto the plane, so we are really encouraged by that news and looking forward to reuniting with him.” 

Dr. Sacra specializes in family medicine, and felt called to treat Liberians with malaria and pregnant women during the time of crisis. Sacra left in August, after having previously served in the country for almost 20 years. 

“I knew he needed to go. He is not someone who can stand back when there is a need that he can take care of,” Debbie Sacra said. 

September 5, 2014