Americans’ Views toward Israel Remain Largely Positive

Americans’ Views toward Israel Remain Largely Positive

A new Gallup poll showed that Americans views about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have stayed the same over the past year.

According to, 62 percent of Americans said they sympathize with Israelis and 15 percent sided with Palestinians. Nine percent said they were neutral. Three percent said they sympathize with both and 11 percent had no opinion.

Over the last 15 years, Americans have maintained their support for Israel.

Among Republicans and Democrats, the Gallup poll showed that 79 percent of Republicans sympathize with the Israelis, while 53 percent of Democrats sympathize with the Israelis.

Another trend from the poll showed that more Americans (44 percent) still favor the creation of an independent Palestinian State on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Among Democrats and Republicans the views are much more different: 58 percent of Democrats support the creation of an independent Palestinian state while 26 percent of Republicans are in favor.

“While Republicans show extraordinarily high support for Israel -- an affinity evident at the Republican presidential debate in Houston last week, where every candidate professed his strong support for the Jewish state -- the majority of Democrats and independents are also on the same page,” the Gallup results say.

Publication date: March 1, 2016