Angie's List CEO Resigns over Religious Freedom Debate

Angie's List CEO Resigns over Religious Freedom Debate

The CEO of Angie’s List resigned from the top post just about a month after conservatives vowed to boycott the company for its stance in the Indiana RFRA debate.

In response to Indiana’s RFRA, CEO Bill Oesterle threatened to suspend its plans to expand its Indianapolis building. Oesterle said that the bill was “inconsistent with the state’s activities to encourage growth.” 

Even after modifications to the bill to assuage critics, Oesterle still said the changes weren’t enough to protect LGBT people from discrimination on religious grounds.

According to other reports, Angie’s List put the expansion on hold because Indianapolis wasn’t willing to give the company millions in subsidies. 

Still, Oesterle stepped down this week to re-enter politics, Charisma News reports.

"You start to look around and see what you are going to do in your career," he said. "I can maybe do some things to help resolve some of the state's issues. I am going to take a little time and sort out what they might be."

Political experts are suggesting that Oesterle may challenge Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who was in support of passing the RFRA. 

In 2004, Oesterle managed Gov. Mitch Daniels’ campaign. That was his latest involvement in politics.

Publication date: April 21, 2015