Anglican Archbishop Hopeful for Peace in South Sudan

  • Kelly Givens Contributing Editor to
  • Updated Feb 24, 2014
Anglican Archbishop Hopeful for Peace in South Sudan

The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Most Rev. Dr. Eliud Wabukala said that there is still hope for South Sudan, despite setbacks, reports the Christian Telegraph.

In a speech to a group of South Sudanese students organized by St Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya, Wabukala condemned the violence that broke out in Sudan late last year, calling the violence ungodly and hated by God.

“There is still hope in South Sudan despite the current situation, God will still bring a solution,” he said. “The day will come when your full independence will be realized.”

He reminded the South Sudanese present that they could take their situation as an opportunity to glorify God and know His blessings.

“Great people and great nations pass through difficulties like what you are experiencing today, but you will be a great nation one day,” said Archbishop Wabukala.

In January, bitter conflict in South Sudan forced aid workers to flee the region as violence and instability grew. Violence began in the country on December 15th, when loyalists to president Salva Kiir and rebels backing former vice president Riek Machar started fighting against one another. Kiir and Machar represent the two largest ethnic groups in South Sudan, the Dinka and Nuer. As the world’s newest country, the South Sudanese still heavily identify along ethnic, not national, lines. 

According to the BBC, an estimated 860,000 people have fled their homes since the violence began.

Publication Date: February 24, 2013.