Anglican Church Facing Possible Schism over Same-Sex Marriage

Anglican Church Facing Possible Schism over Same-Sex Marriage

The U.S. Episcopal Church, which has sanctioned gay marriage, could face possible action against it from the larger Anglican Communion to which it belongs.

According to Christian Today, the Primates, or church leaders, of the Anglican Communion have been in a week-long session with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, discussing the issue of same-sex marriage in the Church.

The Anglican Communion is made up of church leaders in the 38 provinces around the world who lead their respective districts. Archbishop Welby is attempting to prevent a schism between the more liberal Western churches and more conservative churches of the Global South--places like Africa and Asia.

Earlier this week, conservative church leaders threatened to walk out on the meeting if stringent action was not taken against the liberal Western churches on the issue of same-sex marriage, which the Episcopal Church of the United States sanctioned in 2003.

According to reports, the conservative church leaders did not follow through on their threat to boycott the meeting which leads some to conclude that a plan of action against the Western churches’ acceptance of same-sex marriage has been put in place.

The first official press conference of the conference will be held tomorrow in Canterbury. 

Publication date: January 14, 2016