Anne Graham Lotz: God Keeping Billy Graham Alive to ‘Encourage [Others] to be Faithful’

Anne Graham Lotz: God Keeping Billy Graham Alive to ‘Encourage [Others] to be Faithful’

Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of evangelist Billy Graham and founder of AnGel Ministries, said at a recent conference that God is keeping her father here on earth for a reason.

Lotz told attendees at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall conference that while Graham, who is 97, is mostly confined to his bed and wheelchair, his mind remains clear and his passion for preaching the Gospel undeterred. 

Lotz, author of The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations, has said she believes Jesus will come back within her lifetime. She also said that she believes the Lord is keeping her father here on earth to prepare people for Jesus’ return.

In an interview after giving her speech at the Watchmen on the Wall conference, Graham said God must have a special purpose for her father since he has been granted such a long life.

"I thought it had to do with the Return of Jesus and I won't go there right now, but I wonder also if [my father] is here... to be an encouragement to you — that there is a man that is still faithful, still has a heart for the Gospel, heart for God, heart for the lost and still prays," she said, according to "In fact, he prays in his preaching voice. He is still kicking. Maybe that will encourage you to be faithful through persevering in the ministry to which God has called you."

"God is not whimsical and He does everything intentionally. The fact that my father is still here, God is holding him for a reason," she continued. "One of the things that I thought possibly — only God would know — when my father goes to Heaven, one more time, the Gospel will be preached to the whole world."

Publication date: May 31, 2016