Another Planned Parenthood Video Shows Doctor Haggling Price of Organs

Another Planned Parenthood Video Shows Doctor Haggling Price of Organs

A second video featuring a Planned Parenthood doctor allegedly selling aborted baby organs has surfaced online. Fox News reports the video was released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the same pro-life advocacy group that posted a similar video showing a Planned Parenthood executive seemingly explaining how abortionists can remove specific organs without “crushing” them so they can be sold. 

In the new video, Planned Parenthood official Dr. Mary Gatter is heard talking about prices of organs, and settles at $100 for “intact tissue.” 

Gatter said in the video, “It’s been years since I’ve talked about compensation, so let me just figure out what others are getting. If it’s in the ballpark then that’s fine, if it’s low we can bump it up.”

Later in the video, Gatter said, "We don't want to be in a position of being accused of selling tissue and stuff like that. On the other hand, there are costs associated with the use of our space, and all that kind of stuff."

CMP project lead David Daleiden said the video proves Planned Parenthood was acting illegally. 

"Our video evidence and the video evidence that CMP will continue to release over the coming weeks and months is prima facie evidence of criminal activity at the highest levels of Planned Parenthood," he said.

Others have criticized the videos released by CMP for heavy editing. Planned Parenthood insists that they only donate tissue to medical research legally and with patient consent. 

Publication date: July 22, 2015