Arkansas Passes Religious Freedom Bill Similar to Indiana

Arkansas Passes Religious Freedom Bill Similar to Indiana

The state of Arkansas has approved a bill that critics say allows business to legally discriminate against homosexuals. The bill is similar to the one that was recently passed in Indiana, which caused a national uproar. 

Fox News reports the Arkansas bill was passed by the state’s House and now must be approved by Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who has already expressed his intent to sign the bill into law. 

Like Indiana’s bill, the Arkansas bill is already facing criticism from business leaders and individuals. 

Wal-Mart CEO Doug McMillon said Hutchinson should “veto this legislation” as it would “undermine the spirit of inclusion” in Arkansas. 

"[It] does not reflect the values we proudly uphold," McMillion said in a statement. 

The Wal-Mart corporation is based out of Arkansas.

Additionally, hundreds of protesters marched at the Arkansas Capitol, urging the governor to stop the legislation. 

The laws in Indiana and Arkansas are said to be expansions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1993. 

Publication date: April 1, 2015