Arson Damages Jerusalem Christian Seminary

Arson Damages Jerusalem Christian Seminary

A fire was deliberately set at a Jerusalem Greek Orthodox seminary Thursday (Feb. 25), according to reports. The fire was started in a seminary restroom and caused no injuries, police said. 

The arson could have been a hate crime as anti-Christian graffiti was discovered at the scene. Suspected Israeli terrorists wrote, “Zion will be redeemed,” in Hebrew, an insult against Jesus and the Virgin Mary. 

Charisma News reports that the seminary arson occurred only one day after a Palestinian mosque was set ablaze in West Bank. Authorities are continuing to investigate both incidents. 

In a statement, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said “there is no room for such deplorable activity" in Jerusalem. 

He continued, "We must eradicate this behavior and bring those responsible to justice.”

Publication date: February 26, 2015