As Refugees Continue to Flee Syria, Ministry Calls for Aid

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Dec 07, 2012
As Refugees Continue to Flee Syria, Ministry Calls for Aid

More than 300,000 Syrians have now fled their homeland to neighboring countries to escape the ongoing civil war. According to Christian Aid Mission, Islamic extremists are succeeding in dividing up Syrian territory under various militias in order to help bring down the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite Muslim who has protected the Christian minority. Salafi Muslim extremists, who insist on sharia law, are behind the efforts to cleanse Syria of Christians and moderate Muslims -- and are forcing the Christians to flee. "There are killings every day now that go unreported in the news media," Christian Aid says. Though ministries and NGOs have mobilized to help Syrian refugees through the winter, most currently lack basic supplies and shelter. Christian Aid has set up a special fund to aid Syrian Christians in Jordan, and is calling for Christians overseas to assist in sending emergency aid. Indigenous missionaries on the ground expect another million Syrian refugees to flee into Jordan in the next six months despite Jordan's official closure of its borders with Syria and threats from Salafi terrorists. Syrian refugees have also fled to Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey, and aid is needed in every receiving state, Christian Aid says.