Australian Couple Vows to Get a Divorce if Gay Marriage is Legalized

Australian Couple Vows to Get a Divorce if Gay Marriage is Legalized

An Australian couple has vowed to get divorced if gay marriage is legalized in the country. Nick and Sarah Jensen believe that legalization of same-sex marriage would essentially nullify their marriage, as marriage between one man and one woman is ordained by God. 

In an editorial for the Canberra CityNews, Nick Jensen wrote that he and his wife do not want to be married anymore if the institution includes homosexuals. 

Jensen wrote, “This has been a big decision for my wife and I… The truth is, ‘marriage’ is simply too important. It is a sacred institution, ordained by God… Any attempt to change the definition of marriage by law is not something in which we are able to partake.” 

The Huffington Post reports the editorial gained international attention, with many people accusing the Jensens of homophobia. 

Jensen told Buzzfeed News, “For us, fundamentally, when we got married we signed a contract with the state and that contract was around the current definition of marriage and all the things that comes with it. Man and woman for life, for the sake of children. If it came to be that the definition of the contract was changed, the contract is now null and void.”

The couple has been married for 10 years and have children. 

Publication date: June 11, 2015